

Zāl (زال in Persian) is a legendary Persian warrior from the old Persian "The Book of Kings" or Shahnameh.


An albino, Zāl was born with white hair. Because of this, his parents called him Zāl. In the Persian language, "Zaall" refers to those who suffer from albinism. Zāl was the son of Sām and the grandson of Nariman, both heroes of ancient Persia and protectors of "Motherland Iran" or "Iran-zamin." Because of his defect, Zāl was rejected by his father. He was left when only an infant; upon the mountain Damavand, which has the highest geographic peak in Iran. The mythical Simurgh (a very large and wise bird which darkens the sky when flying, said to be related to the phoenix) found the baby and took him to her nest, where Zal lived until being reunited with his family.

Later life

Soon after rejoining his family, Zāl married Rudaba; their child was the great Persian hero, Rostam. The mighty and wise Simurgh gave Zāl three feathers to burn when in trouble. She would appear as soon as the feathers were lit.

ee also

* Simurgh
* Ferdosi
* Shahnameh

External links

* [ Zal Featured in Rostam Comic Book]

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