Pinta — can mean: *Pinta (ship), used by Christopher Columbus *Pinta (robotic sailing vessel), a robotic sailboat [ Fiction News.asp?NewsNum=1641] *Pinta (disease), a skin disease caused by Treponema carateum *Pinta… … Wikipedia
pinta — [pin′tə] n. [AmSp < Sp, a spot < VL * pincta: see PINT] a contagious skin disease of the tropics, characterized by patches of various colors and caused by a spirochete (Treponema carateum) … English World dictionary
pinta — /pin teuh/; Sp. /peen tah/, n. Pathol. a nonvenereal treponematosis occurring chiefly in Central and South America, caused by Treponema carateum, characterized by spots of various colors on the skin. [1815 25; < AmerSp, special use of Sp pinta… … Universalium
pinta — A disease caused by a spirochete, Treponema carateum, endemic in Mexico and Central America, and characterized by a small primary papule followed by an enlarging plaque and disseminated secondary macules of varying color called pintids that… … Medical dictionary
Pinta — /pin teuh/; Sp. /peen tah/, n. one of the three ships under the command of Columbus during his first voyage to America in 1492. * * * ▪ pathology chronic tropical skin disease characterized initially by the appearance of dry, scaly papular… … Universalium
pinta — n. a skin disease, prevalent in tropical America, that seems to affect only the dark skinned races. It is caused by the spirochaete Treponema carateum, a microorganism similar to those causing yaws and syphilis. The disease is thought to be… … The new mediacal dictionary
pinta — pin•ta [[t]ˈpɪn tə, tɑ[/t]] n. pat an infectious disease occurring chiefly in Central and South America, caused by Treponema carateum, characterized by spots of various colors on the skin • Etymology: 1815–25; < AmerSp; Sp pinta spot < VL… … From formal English to slang
pinta — I. noun Etymology: American Spanish, from Spanish, spot, mark, from Vulgar Latin *pincta Date: 1825 a chronic skin disease that is endemic in tropical America, that occurs successively as an initial papule, a generalized eruption, and a patchy… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pinta — noun /ˈpaɪnt.ə/ a) A pint of milk. b) A human skin disease endemic to Mexico, Central America, and South America, caused by … Wiktionary
pinta — paɪntÉ™ n. bacterial disease that causes spotting and discoloration of the skin (Pathology) … English contemporary dictionary