HD 217107

HD 217107

Starbox begin
name = HD 217107
Starbox observe
epoch = J2000.0
constell = Pisces
ra = RA|22|58|15.54
dec = DEC|−2|23|43.39
appmag_v =+6.17
Starbox character
class = G8IV
b-v = 0.744
u-b = 0.42
variable = none
Starbox astrometry
radial_v = −14.0
prop_mo_ra = −6.05
prop_mo_dec = −16.03
parallax = 50.71
p_error = 0.75
absmag_v = 4.70
Starbox detail
age = 7.7 e|9
metal = 0.29
mass = 0.98
radius = 1.31
rotation = 39 days
luminosity = 0.97
temperature = 5570
Starbox catalog
names = BD-03°5539, FK5 3836, HIP 113421, HR 8734, SAO 146412
Starbox reference
Simbad = HD+217107

HD 217107 is a yellow subgiant star approximately 46 light-years away in the constellation of Pisces (the Fish). Its mass is very similar to the Sun's, although it is considerably older. As of 2008, two planets have been discovered orbiting the star: one is extremely close to the star and completes an orbit every seven days, while the other is much more distant, taking 8 years to complete an orbit.

Distance, age and mass

HD 217107 is fairly close to the Sun: the "Hipparcos" astrometric satellite measured its parallax as 50.71 milliarcseconds, which corresponds to a distance of 64 light years. Its apparent magnitude is 6.17, making it just barely visible to the naked eye under favourable conditions.

Spectroscopic observations show that its spectral type is G7 or G8, which means its temperature is about 5,000 K. Its mass is thought to be roughly the same as the Sun's, although its estimated age of 7.7 billion years is rather older than the Sun's 4.6 billion years, and it is thought to be beginning to evolve away from the main sequence, having consumed almost all the hydrogen in its core in nuclear fusion reactions. cite journal | url=http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/316304 | author=Fischer "et al." | title=Planetary Companions around Two Solar-Type Stars: HD 195019 and HD 217107 | journal=Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific | year=1999 | volume=111 | issue=755 | pages=50 – 56 | doi=10.1086/316304]

Planetary system

A study of the radial velocity of HD 217107 carried out in 1998 revealed that its motion along the line of sight varied over a 7.1 day cycle. The period and amplitude of this variation indicated that it was caused by a planetary companion in orbit around the star, with a minimum mass slightly greater than that of Jupiter. The companion planet was designated HD 217107 b.

While most planets with orbital periods of less than 10 days have almost circular orbits, HD 217107 b has a somewhat eccentric orbit, and its discoverers hypothesised that this could be due to the gravitational influence of a second planet in the system at a distance of several astronomical units (AU). [cite journal | url=http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/320224 | author=Fischer "et al." | title=Planetary Companions to HD 12661, HD 92788, and HD 38529 and Variations in Keplerian Residuals of Extrasolar Planets | journal=The Astrophysical Journal | year=2002 | volume=551 | issue=2 | pages=1107 – 1118 | doi=10.1086/320224] Confirmation of the existence of a second planet followed in 2005, when long term observations of the star's radial velocity variations revealed a variation on a period of about 8 years, caused by a planet with a mass at least twice that of Jupiter in a very eccentric orbit with a semimajor axis of about 4 AU. [cite journal | url=http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/432901 | author=Vogt "et al." | title=Five New Multicomponent Planetary Systems| journal=The Astrophysical Journal| year=2005 | volume=632 | issue=1 | pages=638 – 658 | doi=10.1086/432901] The second planet was designated HD 217107 c.

exoplanet = b
mass = >1.37 ± 0.14
period = 7.1269 ± 0.00022
semimajor = 0.074 ± 0.002
eccentricity = 0.13 ± 0.02
exoplanet = c
mass = >2.5 ± 0.48
period = 3352 ± 157
semimajor = 4.41 ± 0.21
eccentricity = 0.537 ± 0.026


External links

* [http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/~rory/research/xsp/dynamics/ Extrasolar Planet Interactions] by Rory Barnes & Richard Greenberg, Lunar and Planetary Lab, University of Arizona

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