- John of Vigo
John of Vigo (Giovanni de Vigo, Joannes de Vigo, Jean de Vigo, Juan de
Vigo , ca.1450s –1520s ) was a SpanishRenaissance pioneer ofchirurgy .His treatise "Of Wounds in General" is one of the earliest discussions of the treatment of wounds caused by
firearms . He assumes that the victims of such wounds are poisoned bygunpowder and recommends treatment with boiling oil in order to counteract the poison.Ambroise Pare in 1536, as surgeon to colonel-generalMareschal de Montejan discovered that such treatment was counter-productive and recommends different treatments.:"beyond my hope, I found those upon whom I had put the digestive medicament feeling little pain, and their wounds without inflammation or swelling, having rested fairly well throughout the night; the others to whom I had applied the said boiling oil, I found feverish, with great pain and swelling about their wounds. Then I resolved with myself never more to burn thus cruelly poor men wounded with gunshot." [http://dodd.cmcvellore.ac.in/hom/13%20-%20Ambroise.html]ee also
History of surgery
*Gunpowder warfare
*Field surgery External links
* [http://www.fu1838.org/contingut/vgravats.php?id=63 Juan de Vigo, TEORICA Y PRACTICA EN CIRUGIA. Perpiñan, Luys Roure]
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