Acid gas

Acid gas

Acid gas is natural gas or any other gas mixture which contains significant amounts of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), or similar contaminants. The terms "acid gas" and "sour gas" are often incorrectly treated as synonyms. Strictly speaking, a sour gas is any gas that contains hydrogen sulfide in significant amounts; an acid gas is any gas that contains significant amounts of acidic gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) or hydrogen sulfide. Thus, carbon dioxide by itself is an acid gas but not a sour gas.

Before a raw natural gas containing hydrogen sulfide and/or carbon dioxide can be used, the raw gas must be treated to reduce impurities to acceptable levels and this is commonly done with an amine gas treating process. [ [ website page] "Processing Natural Gas"] [ [ Energy Information Agency website page] "Natural Gas Processing: The Crucial Link Between Natural Gas Production and Its Transportation to Market"] The removed H2S is most often subsequently converted to by-product elemental sulfur in a Claus process.

Processes within oil refineries or natural gas processing plants that remove mercaptans and/or hydrogen sulfide are commonly referred to as "sweetening" processes because they result in products which no longer have the sour, foul odors of mercaptans and hydrogen sulfide.

Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic gas. It also restricts the materials that can be used for piping and other equipment for handling sour gas, as many metals are sensitive to sulfide stress cracking.

ee also

*Natural gas processing
*Oil refinery



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