

Infobox Settlement
official_name = Veere

flag_size = 120x100px
image_shield = Coat of arms of Veere.pngshield_size = 120x100px

mapsize = 280px
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = Netherlands
subdivision_type1 = Province
subdivision_name1 = Zeeland
area_footnotes = (2006)
area_total_km2 = 207.09
area_land_km2 = 132.94
area_water_km2 = 74.15
population_as_of = 1 January, 2007
population_note = Source: CBS, [ Statline] .
settlement_type = Municipality
population_total = 21974
population_density_km2 = 165
timezone = CET
utc_offset = +1
timezone_DST = CEST
utc_offset_DST = +2

Veere (Pronunciation|251 Veere.ogg) is a municipality and a city in the southwestern Netherlands, on Walcheren in the province of Zeeland.

Population centres

Aagtekerke (population as of 2003: 1,479), Biggekerke (895), Domburg (1,481), Gapinge (522), Grijpskerke (1,377), Koudekerke (3,620), Meliskerke (1,477), Oostkapelle (2,451), Serooskerke (1,833), Veere (1,520), Vrouwenpolder (1,125), Westkapelle (2,672), Zoutelande (1,593).

The city of Veere

The small city of Veere (population as of 2001: 1,520) is located on the Veerse Meer. It received city rights in 1355. Between 1541 and 1799, Veere was the staple port for the Kingdom of Scotland. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Veere was a prosperous trading city. There were about 750 houses inside the city walls then, compared to about 300 now.

External links

* [ Official Website of the City Council]
* [ Website about the historic city of Veere]
* [ Hotel B&B Logement De Craecke]
* [ Map]
* [ Pictures of Veere]
* [ Charming holiday house in Veere]

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