Laman graph

Laman graph

In graph theory, the Laman graphs are a family of sparse graphs describing the minimally rigid systems of rods and joints in the plane. Formally, a Laman graph is a graph on "n" vertices such that, for all "k", every "k"-vertex subgraph has at most 2"k" −3 edges, and such that the whole graph has exactly 2"n" −3 edges. Laman graphs are named after Gerard Laman, of the University of Amsterdam, who in 1970 used them to characterize rigid planar structures. [citation|first=G.|last=Laman|title=On graphs and the rigidity of plane skeletal structures|journal=J. Engineering Mathematics|volume=4|year=1970|pages=331–340|doi=10.1007/BF01534980|id=MathSciNet|id=0269535.]

Laman graphs arise in rigidity theory: if one places the vertices of a Laman graph in the Euclidean plane, in general position, there will in general be no simultaneous motion of all the points, other than Euclidean congruences, that preserves the lengths of all the graph edges, and the Laman graphs are the minimal graphs with this property. Intuitively, each edge reduces the number of degrees of freedom in the system of points by one, so the 2"n" −3 edges in a Laman graph reduce the 2"n" degrees of freedom of the initial point placement to the three degrees of freedom that are sufficient to describe any Euclidean congruence. The condition that no subgraph have too many edges ensures that each edge contributes to reducing the overall number of degrees of freedom, and is not wasted within a subgraph that is already itself rigid due to its other edges.

Every pointed pseudotriangulation is a Laman graph, and every planar Laman graph can be realized as a pointed pseudotriangulation. [cite journal
author = Haas, Ruth; Orden, David; Rote, Günter; Santos, Francisco; Servatius, Brigitte; Servatius, Herman; Souvaine, Diane; Streinu, Ileana; Whiteley, Walter
title = Planar minimally rigid graphs and pseudo-triangulations
journal = Computational Geometry Theory and Applications
volume = 31
issue = 1–2
pages = 31–61
year = 2005
doi = 10.1016/j.comgeo.2004.07.003
id = MathSciNet | id = 2131802
] However, there are Laman graphs that are not planar, such as the complete bipartite graph "K"3,3.


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