- Calueque
Calueque is a village next to a dam and pumping station on the
Cunene River in theCunene Province of southernAngola . The project is linked toRuacana , 20 km away insideNamibia , where an undergroundhydro-electric power station was built. A 300 km pipeline and canal extends across the border intoNamibia , supplying towns as far asOshakati inOvamboland with water. The dam was completed in 1975, however due to the onset of theAngolan civil war following independence, the full master plan for the scheme was not realised by theSouth Africa n and Portuguese governments. [cite press release|title=Agreement between the government of the Republic of South Africa and the government of Portugal in regard to the first phase of development of the water resources of the Cunene river basin|url=http://www.fao.org/docrep/W7414B/w7414b11.htm|date=January 21, 1969|publisher="Département de l'administration et des finances" (Portugal)]Angolan Civil War
Location map+|Namibia|width=300|caption=Namibia|width=300|places= Location map~|Namibia|lon_dir=E|lat_dir=S|lat_deg=17|lat_min=16|lat_sec=10|lon_deg=14|lon_min=32|lon_sec=52|label=Calueque|position=top Location map~|Namibia|lon_dir=E|lat_dir=S|lat_deg=17|lat_min=25|lat_sec=0|lon_deg=14|lon_min=11|lon_sec=60|label=Ruacana|position=left Location map~|Namibia|lon_dir=E|lat_dir=S|lat_deg=17|lat_min=47|lat_sec=1|lon_deg=15|lon_min=41|lon_sec=58|label=Oshakati|position=bottomThe area was of considerable strategic importance, providing the pretext in
1975 for the initialSouth Africa n military intervention in theAngolan Civil War when staff at the facility were threatened byguerilla s. [cite book|title=Days of the Generals
publisher=New Holland Publishers
date=2001] Full intervention through Operation Savannah followed shortly afterwards.Calueque was repeatedly targeted, unsuccessfully, by
SWAPO andCuba n forces throughout the conflict. However bloody fighting in the area in 1988 after theBattle of Cuito Cuanavale proved to be a turning point in the war when Cuban and Angolan forces launched a massive ground offensive against Calueque, which was checked with considerable Cuban and MPLA casualties. An airstrike on June 27, 1988 byCuba n Mig 23 fighters was nevertheless highly successful. The first wave of aircraft bombed the bridge andsluice gates, killing a soldier in the process. Another wave bombed the pump and generator, while a third destroyed the pipeline to Ovamboland. Significantly, one of the last bombs dropped scored a direct hit on the position of 11 South African soldiers nearby who had exited theirBuffel troop carrier to watch the events unfold. The dam and pipelines were considerably damaged, rendering the scheme inoperable. [cite book|title=The Cuban Intervention in Angola, 1965-1991: From Che Guevara to Cuito Cuanavale|last=George|first=Edward|date=2005|publisher=Routledge |pages=245|isbn=0415350158]The Calueque Dam and bridge has not been repaired since it was damaged in 1988. [cite news|url=http://www.namibian.com.na/2007/July/national/07A5358397.html|date=2007-07-16|title=No plans to repair Calueque wall|publisher= [http://www.namibian.com.na The Namibian] ]
External links
* [http://uk.geocities.com/sasolboy/calueque.html Calueque Dam Bomb Damage]
* [http://www.nampower.com.na/2005/pages/ruacana.asp Ruacana Power Station page at Namibia Power official website]
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