Indio Pícaro

Indio Pícaro

The Indio Pícaro is a traditional wooden statuette of a Mapuche Indian with a long penis or a vagina (Guacolda). It is found in traditional artisan shops in south-central Chile. It is usually made of wood, used primarily as decoration or for jokes. It consists of an image of a traditionally dressed Mapuche painted with a broad smile that, when lifted, shows an erect penis or a vagina.

Some sources cite that was created in 1980 by Jorge Medina Ramirez, a self-taught artisan who along with his friends, and as a challenge to their boss, they had to copy a doll apache articulated that hid their attributes under a tapabarro and thus send this as a joke a friend of Santiago. Over the time it gained fame and with a large amount of orders he decided to manufacture in series, being known internationally, and who came to the White House. [ 1]

These statuettes, which generally does not exceed 15 centimeters in height, began to be sold in Santiago at the beginning of the 1990s, being quickly popular. In the municipal market of Temuco sold large quantities of this figure for their identity with the Mapuche people, and here you can find carved figures that exceed 1.50 meters. You may also find that the female partner to lift shows a vagina and some dubbed as Guacolda. The grace of the statue is a work that appears to craft pre-Columbian indigenous or carved by hand. Thus, to lift the statue to see better, legs left hanging revealing a large erect penis, revealing the reason for the Indian mischievous smile.

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