André Neher

André Neher

André Neher (1914-1988) was a Jewish scholar and philosopher, born 12, rue du Marche, in Obernai. He was a student at the College Freppel in Obernai, then at the Lycee Fustel de Coulange in Strasbourg. He became professor at the College Erckmann-Chatrian in Sarrebourg, then at the Lycee Kleber in Strasbourg. During WII, he lived in Brive-la-Gaillarde. After the War, he became a professor at the Universite de Strasbourg, before moving with his wife, Renee Neher-Bernheim, to Jerusalem, Israel.

L'exil de la Parole

His masterpiece is "The exile of the Word" ("L'Exil de la parole. Du silence biblique au silence d'Auschwitz", Ed.: Seuil, 1970), about the biblical silence, and Gods silence after the Shoah and the great world tragedies. [David Patterson, "Some theological aspects...", on "The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science", Vol. 548, No. 1, 200-218 (1996)] Neher thinks that through the biblical silence you can find the divine revelation: through the silence its possible the human freedom. His idea of "suspension bridge" indicates the humanontological insecurity and paincaused by this freedom, thats aradical factor of uncertainty: for this reason were obliged to concentrate our attention not on the ideas of redemption or salvation, but onto be here in our life”. [Sergio Quinzio, "La Croce e il Nulla", Adelphi ed., Milan 1984, p.33]

Quote|"L'espoir n'est pas dans le rire et dans la plénitude. ""L'espoir est dans les larmes, dans le risque et dans leur silence|" "'André Neher, "L'Exil..." p.256


* " _fr. Transcendance et immanence" (1946; "Transcendence and immanence")
* " _fr. Amos, contribution à l'étude du prophétism" (1950; "Amos, contribution to the study of the prophecy")
* " _fr. L'Essence du Prophétisme" (1955; "Quality of Prophecy")
* " _fr. Notes sur Qohélét" (1951; "Notes on Ecclesiastes")
* " _fr. Moïse et la vocation juive" (1956; "Moses and the Jewish vocation")
* " _fr. Le conflit du sacré et du profane dans la renaissance de l'Hébreu" (1958; "The conflict of sacred and profane in the renaissance of Hebrew")
* " _fr. Jérémie" (1960; "Jeremiah")
* " _fr. Histoire biblique du peuple d'Israël" (1962; "Biblical history of the people of Israel") — with Renée Neher
* " _fr. L'Existence Juive" (1962; "The Jewish Existence")
* " _fr. Le Puits de L'Exil, la théologie dialectique du Maharal de Prague" (1962; "The Well of the Exile, dialectical theology of Maharal of Prague")
* " _fr. De l'hébreu au français : manuel de l'hébraïsant: la traduction" (1969; "From Hebrew to French") — a manual for translating the Hebrew language into French
* " _fr. L'exil de la Parole. Du silence biblique au silence d'Auschwitz" (1970; "The exile of the Word, from the silence of the Bible to the silence of Auschwitz")
* " _fr. Dans tes portes, Jérusalem" (1972; "Within your gates, Jerusalem")
* " _fr. Ils ont refait leur ame" (1979; "They rebuilt their soul") ISBN 2-234-01192-2
* " _fr. Jerusalem, Vecu Juif Et Message"(1984; "Jerusalem, Lived Jerusalem And Message") ISBN 2-268-00287-X
* " _fr. David Gans, 1541-1613 : disciple du Maharal, assistant de Tycho Brahe et de Jean Kepler" (1974; "David Gans, 1541-1613 : disciple of Maharal, assistant of Tycho Brahe and of Johannes Kepler"); English translation as "Jewish thought and the scientific revolution of the sixteenth century : David Gans (1541-1613) and his times" (1986) OUP.
* " _fr. Faust et le Maharal de Prague : le mythe et le réel" (1987; "Faust and Maharal of Prague : myth and reality")

ee also

*Isaac Luria
*it Sergio Quinzio
* David Gans
* Maharal of Prague



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