- Hermene Warlick Eichhorn
Hermene Warlick Eichhorn (born
April 3 ,1906 ,Hickory, North Carolina ) was an American musician and composer.Biography
Hermene Warlick was the daughter of Jesse W. and Ethel Herman Warlick, and an organist of the fourth generation. After eight years of piano and composition study in
Hickory withAlla Pearl Little (one of the first composers to achieve recognition in the state), she entered the Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina (nowUNCG ), where she studied piano underMary Lois Ferrell andWade R. Brown , and harmony and composition underGeorge M. Thompson andHenry H. Fuchs . She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Music with a specialization in piano in 1926, and in organ in 1927.In 1926 Hermene married
George C. Eichhorn and took a job as organist atHoly Trinity Church inGreensboro, North Carolina . In 1928 she began writing a weekly column called "“Music Notes”" in theGreensboro Daily News . She succeeded Wade R. Brown as Choir Director at Holy Trinity in 1937.Eichhorn was active in musical work in the state, as an officer of the
Euterpe Club of Greensboro and a member of theExecutive Board of the North Carolina Federation of Music Clubs . She specialized in writing for women’s voices and other choral ensembles, published works that received many performances, and won a number of awards for her compositions.Eichhorn's works are characterized by original rhythms and harmonies, use of folk materials, and free use of early Church material. Among the most popular of her compositions were her cantatas: "Mary Magdalene", published in 1944, and "Son of the Highest", published in 1946, both of which were written in collaboration with poet
Rose Myra Phillips , who supplied the lyrics for both works. Eichhorn also corresponded with poetsJames Stephens andCharles Hanson Towne , who supplied the lyrics for "The Daisies" and "While Mary Slept", respectively.References
* [http://library.uncg.edu/depts/archives/mss/html/Mss126.htm Finding Aid for the Hermene Warlick Eichhorn Papers, 1920-1975 and undated] The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
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