Stories in an Almost Classical Mode
- Stories in an Almost Classical Mode
"Stories in an Almost Classical Mode" is a short story collection by the American writer Harold Brodkey, published in 1988 by Alfred A. Knopf. Most of the stories were published in The New Yorker, between 1963 and 1988. It was Brodkey's first book in 30 years, and presaged his much-heralded but ultimately disappointing first novel "The Runaway Soul". In fact, much of the material that would make up "The Runaway Soul" in fact appeared in short story form in "Stories in an Almost Classical Mode".
Though literary critic Harold Bloom considered "Stories in an Almost Classical Mode" to be one of the essential works of Western literature (as he stated in his book, "The Western Canon"), Bloom's is a minority opinion. At the time of its publication, and subsequenly, the work has been dismissed as arch and precious.
* "The Abundant Dreamer"
* "On the Waves"
* "Bookkeeping"
* "Hofstedt and Jean—and Others"
* "The Shooting Range"
* "Innocence"
* "Play"
* "A Story in an Almost Classical Mode"
* "His Son, in His Arms, in Light, Aloft"
* "Puberty"
* "The Pain Continuum"
* "Largely an Oral History of My Mother"
* "Verona: A Young Woman Speaks"
* "Ceil"
* "S.L."
* "The Nurse's Music"
* "The Boys on Their Bikes"
* "Angel"
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Harold Brodkey — (October 25, 1930 ndash; January 26, 1996) was an American author.Brodkey was born in Staunton, Illinois and raised in University City, Missouri outside St. Louis. After graduating from Harvard University in 1952, Brodkey began his writing career … Wikipedia
Brodkey, Harold — ▪ 1997 (AARON ROY WEINTRAUB), U.S. short story writer and novelist (b. Oct. 25, 1930, Staunton, Ill. d. Jan. 26, 1996, New York, N.Y.), was a staff writer for The New Yorker magazine for 30 years before publishing the novel he had been… … Universalium
The Runaway Soul — The Runaway Soul, published by Farrar, Straus Giroux in 1991, first edition ISBN 9 780374 252861, Library of Congress catalog card number 91 75885, is the long delayed first novel by Harold Brodkey. This novel was rumored to be the first volume… … Wikipedia
Brodkey — [ brɔdkiː], Harold Roy, eigentlich Aaron Roy Weintraub, amerikanischer Schriftsteller, * Staunton (Illinois) 25. 10. 1930, ✝ New York 26. 1. 1996; Sohn russisch jüdischer Einwanderer. Brodkey arbeitete u. a. als Drehbuchautor und Lehrer, seit… … Universal-Lexikon
O. Henry Award — The O. Henry Award is the only yearly award given to short stories of exceptional merit. The award is named after the American master of the form, O. Henry. The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories is an annual collection of the year s twenty best stories… … Wikipedia
O. Henry Award — William Faulkner (1897 1962), écrivain américain, prix Nobel de littérature en 1949, a reçu deux O. Henry Awards. En 1939, pour Barn Burning paru dans Harper s Magazine et en 1949 pour A Courtship paru dans The Sewanee Review Les O. Henry Awards… … Wikipédia en Français
O. Henry Awards — O. Henry Award William Faulkner (1897 1962), écrivain américain, prix Nobel de littérature en 1949, a reçu deux O. Henry Awards. En 1939, pour Barn Burning paru dans Harper s Magazine et en 1949 pour A Courtship paru dans The Sewanee Review Les O … Wikipédia en Français
Prix O. Henry — O. Henry Award William Faulkner (1897 1962), écrivain américain, prix Nobel de littérature en 1949, a reçu deux O. Henry Awards. En 1939, pour Barn Burning paru dans Harper s Magazine et en 1949 pour A Courtship paru dans The Sewanee Review Les O … Wikipédia en Français
Premio O. Henry — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Premio O. Henry ( O. Henry Award ), constituye uno de los premios literarios más importantes de los que se conceden en Estados Unidos. Van dirigidos anualmente a cuentos o relatos breves de elevado mérito. Deben… … Wikipedia Español
O.-Henry-Preis — Der O. Henry Preis ist ein jährlich vergebener Literaturpreis für englischsprachige Kurzgeschichten. Der Preis ist nach dem amerikanischen Schriftsteller O. Henry benannt und wird seit 1919 verliehen. Preisträger First Prize 2010 Daniyal… … Deutsch Wikipedia