- IPA chart for English dialects
__NOTOC__This concise chart shows the most common applications of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to represent
English language pronunciations.See
Pronunciation respelling for English for phonetic transcriptions used in different dictionaries.*AuE = Australian English [cite journal |author=Harrington, J., F. Cox, and Z. Evans |title=An acoustic phonetic study of broad, general, and cultivated Australian English vowels |journal=Australian Journal of Linguistics |year=1997 |volume=17 |pages=155–84]
*CaE =Canadian English
*GA =General American
*IrE = Irish English
*NZE =New Zealand English
*RP =Received Pronunciation (England) [Harvcoltxt|Roach|2004|241-243. SeePronunciation respelling for English#International Phonetic Alphabet for the alternative system devised byClive Upton forOxford University Press dictionaries.]
*ScE =Scottish English
*SAE =South African English
*WaE =Welsh English :"Note: An is also available."
ee also
*NATO phonetic alphabet - also known as the international radiotelephony spelling alphabet or military alphabet. The NATO phonetic alphabet is often confused with the IPA because of the occurrence of "phonetic" in its name. However, the NATO alphabet is acipher of theLatin alphabet , while the IPA strives for one-to-one representation of the sounds of all spoken languages.
*Phonetic alphabets (military)
*Pronunciation respelling for English
*SAMPA chart for English
*English phonology References
*cite book|last=Gimson|first=A. C.|authorlink=Alfred C. Gimson|title=An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English| edition=3rd edn.|publisher=Edward Arnold|year=1980|location=London|id=ISBN 0-7131-6287-2
*cite book|last=Kenyon|first=John Samuel|authorlink=John Samuel Kenyon|title=American Pronunciation|publisher=George Wahr|location=Ann Arbor|year=1950| edition=10th edn.
*cite book|last=Kenyon|first=John S.|coauthors=Thomas A. Knott|title=A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English|publisher=Merriam-Webster|location=Springfield, Mass.|year=1944/1953|id=ISBN 0-87779-047-7
*Harvard reference
title=British English: Received Pronunciation
journal=Journal of the International Phonetic Association
*cite book|last=Wells|first=J. C.|authorlink=John C. Wells|title=Longman Pronunciation Dictionary|publisher=Pearson Education Limited|location=Harlow, Essex| edition=2nd edn.|year=2000|id=ISBN 0-582-36468-XExternal links
* [http://cla.calpoly.edu/~jrubba/phon/learnipa.html Learning the IPA for English] , (Standard American English)
* [http://webmasterei.com/en/tools/ipa Online keyboard] withMP3 sound files for IPA symbols
* [http://hctv.humnet.ucla.edu/departments/linguistics/VowelsandConsonants/course/chapter1/chapter1.html IPA chart] withAIFF sound files for IPA symbols
* [http://web.uvic.ca/ling/resources/ipa/ipa-lab.htm IPA chart] withMP3 sound files for all IPA symbols on the chart (limited version is available to anyone)
* [http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/IPA/IPA_chart_(C)2005.pdf The International Phonetic Alphabet (revised to 2005)] Symbols for all languages are shown on this one-page chart.
* [http://people.pwf.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/gradint/lexconvert.html lexconvert] a GPL command-line program to convert between Unicode IPA and the ASCII notations of various English speech synthesizers
* [http://www.ldoceonline.com/index.html LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English "ONLINE"] uses IPA.
* [http://ipa.typeit.org Online IPA editor for English]
* [http://akula.50webs.com/ipa.htm Online/Offline IPA editor for English]
* [http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/wells/ipa-english-uni.htm IPA transcription systems for English] — discussion byJohn C. Wells of RP transcriptions
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