Joseph Alleine

Joseph Alleine

Joseph Alleine (baptised April 8, 1634 - 17 November 1668) was an English Puritan Nonconformist pastor and author.

Alleine belonged to a family that had originally settled in Suffolk. As early as 1430 some of the descendants of Alan, lord of Buckenhall settled in the neighborhood of Calne and Devizes. These were the immediate ancestors of "worthy Mr Tobie Alleine of Devizes", father of Joseph, who was the fourth of a large family, born at Devizes early in 1634. 1645 is marked in the title-page of a quaint old tractate, by an eye-witness, as the year of his setting forth in the Christian race. His elder brother Edward had been a clergyman, but in this year died; and Joseph entreated his father that he might be educated to succeed his brother in the ministry.

In April 1649 he entered Lincoln College, Oxford, and on November 3, 1651, he became scholar of Corpus Christi College. On July 6, 1653, he took the degree of B.D., and became a tutor and chaplain of Corpus Christi, preferring this to a fellowship. In 1654 he had offers of high preferment in the state, which he declined; but in 1655 George Newton, of the great church of St Mary Magdalene, Taunton, sought him for assistant and Alleine accepted the invitation. Almost coincident with his ordination as associate pastor came his marriage with Theodosia Alleine, daughter of Richard Alleine. Friendships among "gentle and simple" of the former, with Lady Farewell, granddaughter of the protector Somerset bear witness to the attraction of Alleine's private life.

His public life was a model of pastoral devotion, yet he found time to continue his studies, one monument of which was his "Theologia Philosophica" (a lost MS.), a learned attempt to harmonize revelation and nature, which was admired by Richard Baxter. Alleine was no mere scholar or divine, but a man who associated on equal terms with the founders of the Royal Society. These scientific studies were, however, kept in subordination to his proper work. He was surprisingly influential for so young a man, and this was thanks to his earnestness and forcefulness.

The year 1662 found senior and junior pastors like-minded, and both were among the two thousand ejected ministers. Alleine, with John Wesley (grandfather of the celebrated John Wesley), also ejected, then travelled about, preaching wherever opportunity was found. For this he was cast into prison, indicted at sessions, bullied and fined. His "Letters from Prison" were an earlier Cardiphonia than John Newton's. He was released on May 26, 1664; and in spite of the Conventicle, or Five Mile Act, he resumed his preaching. He found himself again in prison, and again and again a sufferer.

Worn out by the continued persecution, he died in November 1668; and the mourners, remembering their beloved minister's words while yet with them, "If I should die fifty miles away, let me be buried at Taunton," found a grave for him in St Mary's chancel. No Puritan nonconformist name is so affectionately cherished as is that of Joseph Alleine. His chief literary work was "An Alarm to the Unconverted" (1672), otherwise known as "The Sure Guide to Heaven", which had an enormous circulation. His "Remains" appeared in 1674.

See "Life", edited by Baxter; "Joseph Alleine: his Companions and Times", by Charles Stanford (1861); Wood's "Athenae", iii. 819; Palmer's "None. Mem." iii. 208, Wikipedia article on Richard Alleine


Joseph Alleine's "Alarme" went through numerous editions and abridgements across the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; versions appeared in Welsh and German, and were published in Scotland and North America. It was also an important text to John Wesley, abridged and printed by him, and sold through Methodist catalogues and booksellers. Some of the most important editions are listed below, together with Alleine's other published works (mostly posthumous).

*"A Call to Archippus", [London: s.n.] , 1664

*"An Alarme to Unconverted Sinners", London, 1672

*"Divers Practical Cases of conscience, Satisfactorily Resolved", London, 1672

*"A Most Familiar Explanation of the Assemblies Shorter Catechism", London, 1672

*"Mr. Joseph Alleines Directions, for Covenanting vvith God", London, 1674

*"Remaines", London, 1674

*"The True Way to Happiness", London, 1675

*"A Sure Guide to Heaven: or An Earnest Invitation to Sinners to Turn to God", London, 1688

*"Hyfforddwr Cyfarwydd I'r Nefoedd", London, 1693

*"Christian Letters Full of Spiritual Instructions", London, [1700?]

*"Mr. Joseph Alleine's Rules for Self-Examination", Boston, [174-?]

*"The Saint's Pocket-Book", Glasgow, 1742

*"The Works of the Truly Pious and Learned Mr Joseph Allan", Edinburgh, 1752

*"Useful Questions, Whereby a Person may Examine himself Every Day", Philadelphia, 1753

*"The Shorter Catechism Agreed Upon by the Reverend Assembly of Divines at Westminster. To Which is Added, Some Serious Questions very Proper for True Christians to Ask Themselves Every Day, by the Late Reverend Mr.Joseph Allaine. Also a Cradle Hymn, by the Reverend Dr. Isaac Watts", New-London, 1754

*"The Voice of God in His Promises", London, 1766

*"The Believer's Triumph in God's Promises", London, 1767

*"A Remedy of God's Own Providing for a Sinner's Guilty Conscience", [London?, 1770?]

*"An Admonition to Unconverted Sinners", (London, 1771)

*"Earail Shurachdach Do Pheacaich Neo-Iompaichte", Dunedin, 1781

*"An Abridgement of Alleine's Alarm to Unconverted Sinners", London, 1783

*"Joseph Alleins Grundlegung zum thatigen Christenthum", Lancaster, 1797

*"An Earnest Invitation to the Reader to Turn to God", Grantham, 1799

Books still in print by Joseph Alleine include:
*"A Sure Guide To Heaven", ISBN-10: 0851510817 , ISBN-13: 978-0851510811
*"An Alarm to the Unconverted", ISBN-10: 187844221X, ISBN-13: 978-1878442215



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