Villa Jovis

Villa Jovis

"Villa Jovis" ("Villa of Jupiter"; also "Villa Iovis", sometimes misspelled "Villa Ionis") is a Roman palace on Capri built by emperor Tiberius who ruled from there between AD 27 and AD 37. It is the largest of the twelve Tiberian villas on Capri mentioned by Tacitus and the entire complex, spanning several terraces and a difference in elevation of about 40 m, covers some 7000 m² (1.7 acres). While the remaining eight levels of walls and staircases only hint at the grandeur the building must have had in its time, recent reconstructions have shown the villa to be a remarkable testament to first-century Roman architecture.

Location and description of the palace

Villa Jovis is situated in the very northeast of the island atop "Monte Tiberio"; its 334 m elevation makes it the second-highest peak of Capri, after "Monte Solaro" (589 m elevation) in Anacapri.

The north wing of the building contained the living quarters, while the south wing saw administrative use. The east wing was meant for receptions, whereas the west wing featured an open-walled hall ("ambulatio") which offered a scenic view towards Anacapri.

As water was difficult to come by where the villa was built, Roman engineers constructed an intricate system for the collection of rainwater from the roofs and a large cistern that supplied the palace with fresh water.

South of the main building there are remains of a watch tower for the quick telegraphic exchange of messages with the mainland, e.g. by fire or smoke.

Access to the complex is only possible on foot, and involves an uphill walk of about two kilometres from Capri town.

Tiberius and his life on Capri

Apparently the main motivation for Tiberius' move from Rome to Capri was his fear of assassination. The villa is situated at a very secluded spot of the island and the quarters of Tiberius in the north and east of the palatial villa were particularly difficult to reach and heavily guarded.

The Villa Jovis is also, at least according to Suetonius, the place where Tiberius engaged in wild sexual orgies. However, if these accounts of Tiberius' debauchery are true or merely slander by his detractors is still the topic of debate. It is said that Tiberius threw women off the cliff next to the villa.

Further reading

*Krause, Clemens, 2003. "Villa Jovis — Die Residenz des Tiberius auf Capri", "Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie" (Mainz am Rhein)

External links

* [ Capri Online: Villa Jovis - Mount Tiberio]
* [ Capriweb: Villa Jovis]
* [ Archäologisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg: Villa Jovis]
* [ Photo Gallery from Capri Island]

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