Adrastus of Aphrodisias

Adrastus of Aphrodisias

Adrastus (Gr. polytonic|Ἄδραστος) of Aphrodisias was a Peripatetic philosopher who lived in the second century AD. He was the author of a treatise on the arrangement of Aristotle's writings and his system of philosophy, quoted by Simplicius, [Simplicius, "Praefat. in viii. lib. Phys."] and by Achilles Tatius. Some commentaries of his on the Timaeus of Plato are also quoted by Porphyry, [p. 270, in Harmonica Ptolemaei] and a treatise on the categories of Aristotle by Galen. None of these have come down to us. [Citation
last = Jowett
first = Benjamin
author-link = Benjamin Jowett
contribution = Adrastus (3)
editor-last = Smith
editor-first = William
title = Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
volume = 1
pages = 21
publisher =
place = Boston
year = 1867
contribution-url =
] He was a competent mathematician, whose writings on harmonics are frequently cited by Theon of Smyrna in the surviving sections of his "On Mathematics Useful for the Understanding of Plato". [Andrew Barker, (1984), "Greek Musical Writings", page 210. Cambridge University Press] In the 17th century, a work by Adrastus on harmonics, polytonic|Περὶ Ἁρμονικῶν ("On Harmonics"), was said by Gerhard Johann Vossius to have been preserved, in manuscript, in the Vatican Library, although the manuscript appears to be no longer extant, if indeed this was not an error on Vossius' part. [Citation
last = Long
first = George
author-link = George Long (scholar)
contribution = Adrastus
editor-last =
editor-first =
title = The Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
volume = 1
pages = 366
publisher = Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans
place = London
year = 1842
contribution-url =


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