- Electroneurogram
An electroneurogram is a method used to visualize directly recorded electrical activity of
neuron s in thecentral nervous system (brain, spinal cord) or theperipheral nervous system (nerves, ganglions). The acronym ENG is often used. An electroneurogram is similar to anelectromyogram (EMG), but the later is used to visualize muscular activity. Anelectroencephalogram (EEG) is a particular type of electroneurogram in which severalelectrode s are placed around the head and the general activity of the brain is recorded, without having very high resolution to distinguish between the activity of different groups ofneuron s.An electroneurogram is usually obtained by placing an
electrode in theneural tissue . The electrical activity generated byneuron s is recorded by the electrode and transmitted to anacquisition system , which usually allows to visualize the activity of the neuron. Each vertical line in an electroneurogram represents one neuronalaction potential . Depending on the precision of theelectrode used to record neural activity, an electroneurogram can contain the activity of a single neuron to thousands of neurons. Researchers adapt the precision of theirelectrode to either focus on the activity of a singleneuron or the general activity of a group ofneuron s, both strategies having their advantages.External links
* [http://www.med.yale.edu/neurobio/mccormick/cortex/ctxfig3.htm An example of a neural recording]
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