1820 in New Zealand

1820 in New Zealand


Regal and Vice Regal

*Head of StateKing George III dies on 26 June. He is succeeded by King George IV who has been the Prince since 1811.
*Governor of New South WalesLachlan Macquarie’s offer to resign is finally accepted at the end of the year but he does not leave New South Wales until 12 February 1822. [http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/biogs/A020162b.htm Dictionary of Australian Biography: Lachlan Macquarie] ] His successor, Major-General Sir Thomas Brisbane, is advised of his appointment on 3 November, but does not arrive in Sydney until 7 November 1821. [http://gutenberg.net.au/dictbiog/0-dict-biogBr-By.html#brisbane1 Dictionary of Australian Biography Sir Thomas Brisbane] ]


*27 February - Reverend Samuel Marsden makes his 3rd visit to New Zealand, on the HMS "Dromeday". He unsuccessfully attempts to dissuade Thomas Kendall from his impending visit to England. [http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/dnzb/default.asp?Find_Quick.asp?PersonEssay=1M16 Dictionary of New Zealand Biography: Samuel Marsden] ] The "Dromedary" spends 5 month getting timber in Whangaroa Harbour. [http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~teecee/1846table.htm Early European Visits to NZ] ]
*2 MarchThomas Kendall, Hongi Hika and Hongi’s nephew Waikato from Rangihoua sail for England in the whaler "New Zealander". Kendall confers with Professor Samuel Lee at Cambridge on the publication of "Grammar and Vocabulary of the New Zealand Language". The book is published at the end of the year. The well known painting of Kendall with the 2 chiefs is painted by James Barry. Hongi’s main prurpose is to obtain muskets, at which he is eventually successful. [http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/K/KendallThomas/KendallThomas/en New Zealand Encyclopaedia 1966: Thomas Kendall Biography] ] [http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/dnzb/default.asp?Find_Quick.asp?PersonEssay=1K9 Dictionary of New Zealand Biography: Thomas Kendall] ] [http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/dnzb/default.asp?Find_Quick.asp?PersonEssay=1H32 Dictionary of New Zealand Biography: Hongi Hika] ] [http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/H/HongiHika/HongiHika/en New Zealand Encyclopaedia 1966: Hongi Hika Biography] ]
*3 May – A plough is used for the first time in New Zealand when John Gare Butler drives a team of six bullocks at Kerikeri.Wises New Zealand Guide, 7th Edition, 1979. p.185.]
*14 July - Reverend Samuel Marsden’s second visit to Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland), on HMS "Coromandel". He climbs Maungarei (Mt Wellington) and is the first European to sight Manukau Harbour. He may also have preached at or near Maraetai at this time. [http://manukau.infospecs.co.nz/dbtw-wpd/exec/dbtwpub.dll?BU=http%3A%2F%2Fmanukau.infospecs.co.nz%2Fjourney%2Fhome.htm&QF0=Year&QI0=1769:1839&TN=timeline&AC=QBE_QUERY&RL=1&RF=English&MR=20&NP=3 A Manukau Timeline] ] Marsden returns to the Bay of Islands via the Kaipara Harbour and is one of the first Europeans to see the harbour and the site of future Dargaville.Wises New Zealand Guide, 7th Edition, 1979. p.169.]
*27 AugustCaptain R.A. Cruise of the 84th Regiment visits Tamaki Makaurau on the colonial schooner "Prince Regent".
*9 NovemberReverend Marsden again visits Tamaki Makaurau, this time with Reverend Butler. They visit Tamaki River and cross the isthmus to Manukau Harbour and visit Onehunga and the Manukau Heads but cannot exit the harbour because of the bar at the entrance.Wises New Zealand Guide, 7th Edition, 1979. p.237.]
*12 NovemberThomas Kendall is ordained as a priest by the Bishop of Ely.
*5 December - Reverend Marsden leaves at the end of his third visit.


*Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen, a naval officer for the Russian Empire, visits the Marlborough Sounds for 9 days in the "Mirnyi" and "Vostock".They may have been the ships seen by Te Rauparaha around this time.Wises New Zealand Guide, 7th Edition, 1979. p. 242] [http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/dnzb/default.asp?Find_Quick.asp?PersonEssay=1T74 Dictionary of New Zealand Biography: Te Rauparaha] ]
*Reverend Samuel Marsden is the first European to see Tauranga Harbour. [http://ourcity.tauranga.govt.nz/heritage/timeline/ Tauranga History Timeline] ]
*Waikato and Ngāti Maniopoto defeat Ngāti Toa in 2 battles near at Kāwhia Harbour. After a siege at the harbour Ngāti Toa agree to cede their land and move south. Te Wherowhero is one of the leaders of Waikato, Te Rauparaha and Te Pehi Kupe lead Ngāti Toa. [http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/dnzb/default.asp?Find_Quick.asp?PersonEssay=1T88 Dictionary of New Zealand Biography: Te Wherowhero] ] [http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/dnzb/default.asp?Find_Quick.asp?PersonEssay=1T55 Dictionary of New Zealand Biography: Te Pehi Kupe] ]




* 27 October (in Scotland): Donald McLean, politician.
* 11 March (in England): Walter Mantell, scientist and politician.


ee also

*List of years in New Zealand
*Timeline of New Zealand history
*History of New Zealand
*Military history of New Zealand
*Timeline of environmental history of New Zealand
*Timeline of New Zealand's links with Antarctica

"For world events and topics in 1820 not specifically related to New Zealand see": 1820

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