Hiempsal I

Hiempsal I

Hiempsal I, son of Micipsa and grandson of Masinissa, was a king of Numidia in the late 2nd century BC.

Micipsa, on his death­bed, left his two sons, Adherbal and Hiempsal, together with his cousin, Jugurtha, joint heirs of his kingdom. But the unprincipled ambition of Jugurtha, and the jealousy of him long entertained by the other two, rendered it certain that this arrangement could not be of long duration; and at the very first meeting of the three princes their animosity displayed itself in the most flagrant manner. Hiempsal especially, as the younger of the two brothers, and of the most impetuous character, allowed his feelings to break forth, and gave mortal offence to Jugurtha. After this inter­view, it being agreed to divide the kingdom of Numidia, as well as the treasures of the late king, between the three princes, they took up their quarters in different towns in the neighborhood of Cirta; but Hiempsal having imprudently esta­blished himself at Thirmida, in a house belonging to a dependent of Jugurtha, the latter took advan­tage of this circumstance to introduce a body of armed men into the house during the night, who put to death the unhappy prince, together with many of his followers. [Sallust, "Bellum Jugurthinum" 5, 9, 11, 12] [Diod. "Exc. Vales." xxxv. p. 605] Such is Sallust's narrative.

Livy, on the other hand, ap­pears, so far as we can judge from the words of his Epitomist, to represent the death of Hiempsal as the result of open hostilities. [Livy, "Epit." lxii] Orosius, who probably followed Livy, says only "Hiempsalem occidit". [Orosius, v. 15]


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