Lu Guimeng

Lu Guimeng

Lu Guimeng (zh-tspw|t=陸龜蒙|s=陆龟蒙|p= Guīmēng|w=Lu Kuimeng d. 881), courtesy name Luwang (鲁望), was recluse Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. He lived in seclusion at Puli near Suzhou. His pseudonyms included, Mr. Puli (甫里先生), Tiansuizhi (天隨子), and Jianghu Shanren (江湖散人).

He and his friend, poet Pi Rixiu created a style of matching rhyme poetry: first one party composed a poem, the other party then reply with a new poem using the same rhyme. His works included:
* "Songlin Ji" (松陵集), a collection of matching rhyme poems by Lu and Pi Rixiu
* "Puli Ji" (甫里集), Collection of Puli.

Lu Guimeng tomb

Lu Guimeng tomb is near the Baoshen temple in Luzhi, Suzhou. Two tall ginkgo trees were handplanted by him, still standing today. The Fare Breeze Pavilion was reputed to be his favourite place for study and meeting friends.


* Qian, Zhonglian, [ "Lu Guimeng"] . "Encyclopedia of China" (Chinese Literature Edition), 1st ed.

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