: "For the Wikipedia feature, see ."

AES may refer to:

;Standards, systems, and methods

* Cryptography
** The Advanced Encryption Standard
** Advanced Encryption Standard process, the process used in choosing an algorithm for standardization as AES
** Poly1305-AES, a message authentication code (MAC) written by Daniel J. Bernstein
* AES/EBU or AES3, digital audio standards.
* Automated export system, the system used by U.S exporters to electronically declare their international exports to the Customs and Border Protection
* Auger electron spectroscopy, an analytical technique in surface chemistry and materials science
* Acoustic Echo suppressor with regards to telecommunications / VoIP

;Organizations or groups
* 43d Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, a unit of the 43d Operations Group, 43d Airlift Wing at Pope AFB, North Carolina
* AES Corporation, a Fortune-1000 company that generates and distributes electrical power
* Amateur Entomologists' Society, a UK organisation for people interested in insects
* American Education Services, a loan-servicing corporation operated by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA).
* American Elasmobranch Society, a professional society devoted to the study of chondrichthyans (sharks, skates, rays and chimaeras)
* Audio Engineering Society and AES Convention, a group interested in the professional audio industry
* Aes Sedai, a fictional society in the universe of Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" book series
* AES, a registered trademark of A.E.S. Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing Limited, an accredited laboratory located in Hong Kong
*AES Data (Automatic Electronic Systems), a former Canadian manufacturer of computer hardware based in Montreal

* Ålesund Airport, Norway, from its IATA code
* American Embassy School in New Delhi, India

* "Aes" (album), a single-track EP by Skepticism
* ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectrometry), a machine to measure electromagnetic radiation emitted by atoms at a wavelength characteristic of a particular element
* Neo-Geo AES, a cartridge-based arcade and home video game system released in 1990
* Aes rude, an ingot of bronze used as a sort of proto-currency in ancient Italy during the transition from bartering to the use of coins
* Administration économique et sociale, French universitary diploma for preparing social workers career
* Aesop Rock, an American Hip-hop artist
*Academy of Environmental Science, a school in Crystal River Florida.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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