Hasora schoenherr

Hasora schoenherr

Taxobox | name = Yellow Banded Awl
status =

image_width = 240px
image_caption =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Lepidoptera
familia = Hesperiidae
subfamilia = Coeliadinae
genus = "Hasora"
species = "H. schoenherr"
binomial = "Hasora schoenherr"
binomial_authority = (Latreille, 1824)Card for [http://internt.nhm.ac.uk/jdsml/research-curation/projects/lepindex/detail.dsml?TaxonNo=184086.0&UserID=&UserName=&&listPageURL=list%2edsml%3fsort%3dSCIENTIFIC%255fNAME%255fon%255fcard%26SCIENTIFIC%5fNAME%5fon%5fcardqtype%3dstarts%2bwith%26SCIENTIFIC%5fNAME%5fon%5fcard%3dschoenherr%26recLimit%3d30&searchPageURL=index%2edsml%3fSCIENTIFIC%5fNAME%5fon%5fcardqtype%3dstarts%2bwith%26sort%3dSCIENTIFIC%255fNAME%255fon%255fcard%26SCIENTIFIC%5fNAME%5fon%5fcard%3dschoenherr%26recLimit%3d30 "Hasora schoenherr"] in LepIndex. Accessed 12 October 2007.]
synonyms =

range_map_width = 250px
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"Hasora schoenherr", commonly known as the Yellow Banded Awl,TOL web page on [http://www.tolweb.org/Hasora/94263 genus "Hasora"] ] Marrku Savela's Website on Lepidoptera. Page on genus [http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/hesperioidea/hesperiidae/coeliadinae/hasora/index.html "Hasora"] .] is a butterfly belonging to the family Hesperiidae which is found in India and Southeast Asia.


The Yellow Banded Awl is found in India from Assam and Nagaland eastwards to Southeast Asia, namely, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, the Malay peninsula, Singapore and the Indonesian archipelago (specifically recorded at Borneo, Sumatra, Palawan).Evans,W.H.(1932) The Identification of Indian Butterflies, ser no I1.17, pg 316.]

The type locality is Java.


The butterfly has a wingspan of 45 to 55 mm in the Asian mainland while it achieves size of 50 to 60mm in the Philippines.

The butterfly is a plain dark brown above and resembles the Common Banded Awl "Hasora chromus", except that it has a broad yellow central band on the upper and under of the hindwings. The apex of the under forewing is purple-washed. Both sexes have large yellow discal and apical spots.

Cited references

ee also

*List of butterflies of India (Coeliadinae)
*List of butterflies of India (Hesperiidae)


*aut|Evans, W.H. (1932) "The Identification of Indian Butterflies". 2nd Ed, (i to x, pp454, Plates I to XXXII), Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India.
*aut|Wynter-Blyth, M.A. (1957) "Butterflies of the Indian Region", Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India.Online
*aut|Beccaloni, G. W., aut|Scoble, M. J., aut|Robinson, G. S. & aut|Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [http://www.nhm.ac.uk/entomology/lepindex] (accessed 22 September 2007).
*aut|Brower, Andrew V. Z., (2007). Hasora Moore 1881. Version 21 February 2007 (under construction). Page on [http://tolweb.org/Hasora/94263/2007.02.21 genus Hasora] in The Tree of Life Web Project http://tolweb.org/.
*aut|Savela, Marrku Website on Lepidoptera [http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/index.html] (accessed 12 October 2007)

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