- Frances Lynn
Infobox journalist
name = Frances Lynn
| caption =
birthname =
birth_date =
birth_place =St. Mary's Hospital ,Paddington inLondon
age =
death_date =
death_place =
education =Malvern Girls College
occupation =
alias =
gender = female
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family =
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children =
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salary =
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credits =Ritz Newspaper
agent =
URL = http://www.franceslynn.org/Frances Lynn is an English
journalist andauthor . [cite news |first=Nicholas |last=Coleridge |title=The best place to shoot the gossips |publisher=The Evening Standard |page=19 |date=1982-08-02 |accessdate=2007-12-03 |quote="I met Frances Lynn who was then writing a very cafe societygossip column inRitz Newspaper . She was absolutely crazy in those days. One evening we were having dinner and she suddenly said that she'd written a book, basically about herself and her life reporting parties. I immediately commissioned her to write me a treatment for a possible film." --Nicholas Coleridge ] [cite news |first=Barry |last=Fantoni |title=Ritzy Lynne |publisher=Evening News |accessdate=2007-12-03 |quote=Francis "Lynne (Franny to the few friends she has left) wins my accolade as the bitchiestgossip writer in town. As high-priestess of the single-entendre, she has assassinated everybody who is anybody in her two-page column in the bi-monthly magazine, Ritz. Her list of victims includes people likeElkie Brooks ,Roman Polanski ,Diana Rigg , Yves St. Laurent,Elton John and theEagles . I would like to give some examples of her killing technique - but I can't in case I get into trouble. Asked if she had, in fact, received anywrit s lately she replied demurely: 'Of course not'. In a more familiar vein, she added: 'If I had, I wouldn't tell you, dahling.'"] Lynn was born inSt. Mary's Hospital ,Paddington inLondon , and was educated atMalvern Girls' College . In 1977, Lynn started her journalistic career when she became the film editor and gossip columnist for the now defunct "Ritz Newspaper ", published by David Bailey. Interview subjects includedFrank Zappa . [cite web |quote=Oh yes. We played three dates at the Odeon Hammersmith. You were probably doing something sophisticated at the time and weren't aware. (Zappa) |url=http://afka.net/Mags/Ritz.htm |title=Ritz Newspaper, UK, "British monthly 80's fashion magazine with good long interviews" |publisher=afka.net |accessdate=2007-12-07 |year=1983 |month=January] During the 1990s Lynn contributed stories (sevenFuture Shocks and one Dragon Tales) [cite web|title=2000AD Writer: Frances Lynn|url=http://www.2000adonline.com/?zone=droid&page=thrills&Comic=2000AD&Field=Writer&choice=francesl| year=2007|publisher=2000adonline.com|author=Lynn, Frances] to "2000 AD". [Cite comic | Writer = Lynn, Frances | Artist =Jennet, Stuart | Story = Blossom | Title = 2000 AD | Issue = 714 | Date =19 January ,1991 | Publisher =IPC Media ] [Cite comic | Writer = Lynn, Frances | Artist =Bradbury, Eric | Story = Robot | Title = 2000 AD | Issue = 718 | Date =16 February ,1991 | Publisher =IPC Media ] [Cite comic | Writer = Lynn, Frances | Artist =McCarthy, Jim | Story = The Birthday | Title = 2000 AD | Issue = 918 | Date =16 December ,1994 | Publisher =IPC Media ] In 2006, her two novels: "Crushed" [Cite book |isbn=978-0955367236 |last=Lynn |first=Frances |year=2006 |publisher=Eiworth Publishing |title=Crushed] and "Frantic" [cite book |last=Lynn |first=Frances |publisher=Eiworth Publishing |title=Frantic |year=2006 |isbn=978-0955367229] were both published byEiworth Publishing .References
External links
* [http://www.franceslynn.org Frances Lynn's personal site]
* [http://www.readerviewskids.com/ReviewLynnCrushed.html A readersviewskids book review of "Crushed"]
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