- Aaron E. Klein
Aaron E. Klein (1930cite web |url= http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0007SD2CI |title= Biography - Klein, Aaron E. (1930-1998) |author= Gale Reference Team |work= Contemporary Authors Online |date=
13 June 2007 |publisher=Thomson Gale ] —14 March 1998 ,cite web |url= http://www.upenn.edu/gazette/0303/0303obits.html#o50s |title= Obituaries: 1950s |work= The Pennsylvania Gazette |date=28 February 2003 ]Betterton, Maryland ) was the author of manyscience andhistory of science books for young readers. He was a 1953 graduate of theUniversity of Pennsylvania .Aaron E. Klein wrote on a variety of topics,cite web |url= http://www.allbookstores.com/author/Aaron_E_Klein.html |title= Books by Aaron E. Klein |author= AllBookstores.com ] including
genetics ,African-American scientist s andinventor s,polio vaccine s,botany ,extra-sensory perception ,electron microscope s,electric car s,gadget s,railroad s,train s and many others.Bibliography
* 1970. "Threads of Life: Genetics from Aristotle to DNA."
Random House Children's Books. ISBN 0-38506-757-7, ISBN 978-0385067577. ASIN|0385067577.
* 1971. "The Hidden Contributors: Black Scientists and Inventors in America."cite web |url= http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_pric/is_199502/ai_1003880964/pg_2 |title= African Americans in Science: Books for Young Readers |author= David L. Haury |work= ERIC Educational Reports |date=February 1991] Doubleday. ISBN 0-38500-641-1, ISBN 978-0385006415.
* 1972. "Trial by Fury: The Polio Vaccine Controversy."cite web |url= http://jhmas.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/citation/XXX/3/288 |title= "Trial by Fury: The Polio Vaccine Controversy" |author= Martin S. Pernick,Book review |work= Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, XXX (3), pp. 288-289 |date= 1975 |quote= ] Scribner. ISBN 0-68412-997-3, ISBN 978-0684129976. ASIN|0684129973.
* 1973. "Seedlings and Soil: Botany for Young Experimenters." With Cecil Thomas Prime.cite web |url= http://www.worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/top3mset/d442262c105a44b9.html |title= Listing for "Seedlings and Soil: Botany for Young Experimenters" |author=WorldCat ] Doubleday. ISBN 0-38505-828-4, ISBN 978-0385058285.
* 1973. "Beyond Time and Matter: A Sensory Look at ESP."cite web |url= http://books.google.com/books?id=UxgsBHor_LgC&dq=The+Best+in+Children%27s+Books |title= "The Best in Children's Books: The University of Chicago Guide to Children's Literature, 1973-1978" |author=Zena Sutherland |work=Google Book Search |publisher=University of Chicago Press |date= 1980 ] Doubleday. ISBN 0-38506-106-4, ISBN 978-0385061063. ASIN|0385004745, ASIN|0385061064.
* 1974. "The Electron Microscope: A Tool of Discovery."McGraw-Hill . ISBN 0-07035-029-9, ISBN 978-0070350298. ASIN|0070350299.
* 1974. "Auto Mechanics: An Introduction and Guide." F. Watts. ISBN 0-53102-670-1, ISBN 978-0531026700.
* 1977. "Electric Cars." With E. John De Waard, Museum of Science and Industry,Chicago, Illinois . Doubleday. ISBN 0-38500-962-3, ISBN 978-0385009621.
* 1977. "Medical Tests & You."Grosset & Dunlap . ISBN 0-44814-026-8, ISBN 978-0448140261.
* 1977. "You and Your Body: A Book of Experiments to Perform on Yourself."Random House Children's Books. ISBN 0-38505-084-4, ISBN 978-0385050845.
* 1978. "How to Watch and Control Your Blood Pressure."Grosset & Dunlap . ISBN 0-44814-330-5, ISBN 978-0448143309.
* 1979. "Science and the Supernatural: A Scientific Overview of the Occult."Random House Children's Books. ISBN 0-38512-036-2, ISBN 978-0385120364.
* 1979. "Mind Trips: The Story of Consciousness-Raising Movements." With Cynthia L. Klein.Random House Children's Books. ISBN 0-38512-759-6, ISBN 978-0385127592.
* 1980. "The Complete Beginner's Guide to Microscopes and Telescopes." Doubleday. ISBN 0-38514-854-2, ISBN 978-0385148542.
* 1980. "You and Your Body."Simon & Schuster . ISBN 0-67129-899-2, ISBN 978-0671298999.
* 1981. "The Parasites We Humans Harbor."Elsevier /Nelson Books. ISBN 0-52566-693-1, ISBN 978-0525666936.
* 1982. "The Better Mousetr
* 1985. "Supertrains." Bookthrift Co. ISBN 0-67107-524-1, ISBN 978-0671075248.
* 1986. "The Men Who Built the Railroads." Gallery Books. ISBN 0-83175-818-X, ISBN 978-0831758189.
* 1986. "New York Central."Random House . ISBN 0-51746-085-8, ISBN 978-0517460856.
* 1994. "Encyclopedia of North American Railways." New York: Book Sales. ISBN 0785801936, ISBN 978-0785801931.References
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