

, literally meaning "cutting repeatedly" is a kendo exercise, combining the practice of attacking and receiving strikes and is meant to develop physical strength, spirit, and vigor. [J. Sasamori and G. Warner (1964) "This is Kendo" Charles E. Tuttle & Co Publishers, pp 107--109] It is also known as Nihongo|"uchikaeshi"|打ち返し:うちかえし "striking repeatedly". [Kurosawa Akio (1992) "Martial Arts and Sports in Japan". Japan Travel Bureau, p 123.]

Kirikaeshi is a drill done with a partner that involves a succession of strikes to the head ("men", in Japanese). Kirikaeshi was established as a basic exercise toward the end of the Meiji era (1868-1912).Fact|date=February 2007 The exercise typically begins with a strike to the center of the head, followed by a series of alternating strikes to the left and right sides of the head ("yokomen"). Though the exact method of kirikaeshi can vary among dojo, the most common scheme involves a single strike to the center of the head, followed by four lateral strikes going forward (starting on the receiver's left side), and five strokes going backward. Kirikaeshi practice is the staple of kendo training. It teaches a number of important principles including proper distance and timing, accuracy, rhythm, and smoothness.

Kirikaeshi is normally done at the start and end of most kendo practice sessions.


When kirikaeshi is executed properly, the two players involved will benefit from the practice of precision attacking and the quick reaction/perception in receiving such an attack. The one who receives the kirikaeshi leads the attacker thus controlling the pace and "maai" (fighting distance) of the training. The receiver may allow hits to the head but when receiving with the shinai, must also demonstrate "tenouchi" (tightening the grip at the moment of impact). The attacker must make strong, precise and timed strikes while retaining relaxed shoulders and steady breathing. This will result in increased stamina.

For both the attacker and receiver, posture must be kept proper and footwork and movement should be smooth for this practice to facilitate the weeding out of bad habits. If kirikaeshi is practiced regularly, the application will benefit the practitioner from the improvement of basic skills to the perfect execution in combat.


After "taiatari" (body check, only if both "kendōka" are wearing armour), the "shinai" is swung up in a large movement, and beginning with normal "men", alternate right and left strikes are given 9 times (4 forward and 5 back) while shouting “"men", "men", "men"” in a loud voice. Then the striker moves quickly from "tōma" to "issoku-ito-no-ma" (one-step striking distance), and strikes immediately. This process is then repeated.

When receiving Kirikaeshi with the "shinai", the "shinai" is held in a low hasso gamae stance (waist level), alternating between left and right. The receiver uses "tenouchi" to shield against the partners "shinai".


There are several variations on the standard kirikaeshi.

; Kirikaeshi: Though this variation starts exactly the same, the "naname uchi" is replaced with alternating "" cuts, beginning with reverse (or "gyaku") "". The receiver maintains a "jōdan-no-kamae" while receiving the "" cuts. This is known as a more difficult variation for having a small margin of error.; Alternating Kirikaeshi: This variation alternates between "naname uchi" to the "men" and to the "" every two cuts. ; Double Kirikaeshi: This variation has both attacker and receiver performing the "naname uchi". Much like blocking the attacker's "shinai" in the standard kirikaeshi, the receiver's "naname uchi" will hit the attacker's "naname uchi" causing them to bounce off each other, making way for the next cut. The same as the standard kirikaeshi, the target is the "yokomen" for both sides. Footwork is optional.


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