Haris Grammos

Haris Grammos

Haris Grammos is a former Greek football player of the 1960s - 1970s era.

Grammos was born on the island of Lesbos in 1948 and played for Achilleas Mytilene until he was acquired in 1966 by Panathinaikos FC for 600,000 drachmas, at a time when the "greens" were looking for young players to replace six of the older stars that had rebelled against coach Stjepan Bobek.

Grammos played as right forward or right midfielder. He was a mainstay for Panathinaikos for the next 10 years and was a member of the team that played at 1971 European Cup Final in Wembley Stadium. Later in his career, he played for Olympiakos, becoming one of the few players that made the cross-over between the two "eternal enemies".

Grammos was capped by the Greece national football team

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