- Theobroma
image_caption = "Theobroma cacao" fruit
regnum =Plantae
unranked_divisio =Angiosperms
unranked_classis =Eudicots
unranked_ordo =Rosids
ordo =Malvales
familia =Malvaceae
genus = "Theobroma"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.|"Theobroma" is a
genus of about 20 species in the familySterculiaceae or sometimes classified asMalvaceae . They are small understorytree s native to the tropical forests of Central andSouth America . The scientific name translates to "food of the gods".;Selected species
*"Theobroma angustifolium "
*"Theobroma bicolor " - Mocambo
*"Theobroma cacao" - Cacao
*"Theobroma glauca "
*"Theobroma grandiflorum" - Cupuaçu
*"Theobroma leiocarpa "
*"Theobroma mammosum "
*"Theobroma mariae "
*"Theobroma martiana "
*"Theobroma microcarpa "
*"Theobroma pentagona "
*"Theobroma purpureum "
*"Theobroma simiarum "
*"Theobroma speciosa " - Cacaui
*"Theobroma subincana "Uses
Several species of "Theobroma" produce edible seeds, notably
Cacao ,Cupuaçu , and Mocambo. Cacao is commercially valued as the source ofcocoa andchocolate ."Theobroma" species are used as food plants by the
larva e of somemoth s of the genus "Endoclita " including "E. chalybeatus", "E. damor", "E. hosei" and "E. sericeus". The larva of another moth, "Hypercompe muzina", feeds exclusively on "Theobroma cacao".
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