- Ivan Mikheevich Pervushin
Ivan Mikheevich Pervushin ("Иван Михеевич Первушин") (
January 21 ,1827 –June 29 ,1900 ) was an importantRussia nmathematician of the 2nd half of 19th century.Pervushin was born in the town of Lysve of the
Perm gubernia to a family of aclergy man. He graduated from Kazan clerical academy in 1852. Upon graduation, Pervushin was required to become a priest; he stayed for some time in Perm, then moved to a remote village of Zamaraevo, some 150 miles fromEkaterinburg , where he lived for 25 years.The Priest's job provided for Pervushin's life and left him plenty of free time to spend on
mathematics . Pervushin was particularly interested innumber theory . In 1877 and in the beginning of 1878 he presented two papers to theRussian Academy of Sciences . In these papers, he proved that the 12th and 23rdFermat number s are composite:2^{2^{12 + 1 is divisible by 7*2^{14}+1=114689
2^{2^{23 + 1 is divisible by 5*2^{25}+1=167772161
In 1883 Pervushin demonstrated that the number:
2^{61}-1 = 2305843009213693951
is a
Mersenne prime . This number became known as "Pervushin's number", and remained the second largest known prime (after 2^{127}-1, proved prime by Lucas 7 years earlier) until 1911, when Powers proved that 2^{89}-1 is prime.From Zamaraevo, Pervushin moved to the nearby town of
Shadrinsk in 1883. Here Pervushin published an article that ridiculed the local government. As a punishment, he was exiled to the village ofMehonskoe in 1887.A contemporary of Pervushin's, writer A.D.Nosilov, who frequently visited Pervushin in Mehonskoe, wrote a paper "Priest-mathematician", which was published in the "New time" magazine on July 6, 1896.
He wrote: "... this is the modest unknown worker of science ... All of his spacious study is filled up with the different mathematical books, ... here are the books of famous mathematicians:
Chebyshev ,Legendre ,Riemann ; not including all modern mathematical publications, which were sent to him by Russian and foreign scientific and mathematical societies. It seemed I was not in a study of the village priest, but in a study of an old mathematics professor ... Besides being a mathematician, he is also a statistician, a meteorologist, and a correspondent".Pervushin died in Mehonskoe at the age of 73.
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