傷官 (Four Pillars of Destiny)

傷官 (Four Pillars of Destiny)

The 傷官 (in Japanese we read "Syō-Kan"(like the pronunciation , "Show-can"), in Chinese we often see as "背禄") is a pronoun and a concept in Four Pillars of Destiny.

For the complete research of Four Pillars of Destiny , it is the most important concept.The "傷官" worker is too complicated and sometimes chenges into an extreme effector.

The Definitions of "傷官"

The "傷官" term is also the relative pronoun among the "Heavenly Stems".When we have our birthday as "甲子" , "甲戌" , "甲申" , "甲午" , "甲辰" , "甲寅",in Chinese calendar,the nihongo|"Tei" ,"Hi no to"|丁| will belong to the "傷官".;On the Other Heavenly Stems
*When we have the Heavenly Stems as "甲" in our birthday , the "丁" acts as a "傷官" factor.;as follows
* 乙 : 丙
* 丙 : 己
* 丁 : 戊
* 戊 : 辛
* 己 : 庚
* 庚 : 癸
* 辛 : 壬
* 壬 : 乙
* 癸 : 甲

The meanings of "傷官"

*Generally speaking , the "傷官" is the symbol of our splendid talents , our brilliant appearances , our academic seekings .
*The freedom of speech , freedom of thinking , freedom of expression are releted to the "傷官".
*When we have not the appropriate "傷官" in our dayly life , we may be in confusions.Often we will be involved in the terrorism.
*The "傷官" is also the symbol of sword , slash.Consequently the 傷官 will be no preferred in our usual society.
*The figures with "傷官" is usually bright and beautiful , however the true and real successes in the life is another.


*Hirohito : His birthday is 29 April 1901.We call the Greenery Day in Japan.The chart is as belows.
**The year of birth : 1901 : 辛丑
**The month of birth : April : 壬辰
**The day of birth : 29th : 丁丑
**The time of birth : one quarter past 10 at night : 辛亥

:The main structure of his chart is "傷官" "格".:The day of 丁 (in chinese calendar) meets April , the month of nihongo|"Do-Yo"|土用 , the month of "戊". Then we gain the "傷官".:The most important elements and workers in his chart is the "甲" or "乙".:The Inju is also the worker for the controlling of "傷官".:In 1945 , in the year of "乙酉" , the Inju has no working.:The Heavenly Stem "乙" is in nihongo|"Ku Bo"|空亡|the workings are in their suspensions. We had been defeated in World War II and atomic bomb explosions have been suffering since then. ;AdditionalThe "Dai Un"(our general history in lifelong views) is as belows.The beginning of April in Lunar calendar is the 5th day. So we have 24 days from 5 to his birthday.One month is equivalent to ten years in "Dai Un".The 24 days are equivalent to 8 years.
*From the age of 8 to the age of 18 : 辛卯
*18 to 28 : 庚寅 : corresponding the reign and beginning of Showa Period in 1926
*28 to 38 : 己丑 : the beginning of Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937
*38 to 48 : 戊子 : World War II
*48 to 58 : 丁亥
*58 to 68 : 丙戌
*68 to 78 : 乙酉
*78 to 88 : 甲申 : The end of Showa Period in 1989
*88 to 98 : 癸未

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