Rokusei Senjutsu

Rokusei Senjutsu

The Nihongo|Rokusei Senjutsu|六星占術|Six-Star Astrology is a kind of chinese astrology and a handy approximation of the Four Pillars of Destiny.

The Four Pillars of Destiny is too complicated and difficult for everyday use , consequently the approximation was introduced in Taiwan , Hong Kong.

Contents and Definitions

*Nihongo|Dosei Jin|土星人|The first class:The births with their birthday's Sexagenary cycles (in chinese calendar):甲子 , 乙丑 , 丙寅 , 丁卯 , 戊辰 , 己巳 , 庚午 , 辛未 , 壬申 , 癸酉
#They have the commom Nihongo|Kū-Bō|空亡|The cyclic suspencions of working terms.The "KūBō"s(We often call Nihongo|Ten Tyū Satsu|"天冲殺"|) are and .In the line we have no 戌 nor 亥.
*Nihongo|Kinsei Jin|金星人|The second class:甲戌 , 乙亥 , 丙子 , 丁丑 , 戊寅 , 己巳 , 庚辰 , 辛巳 , 壬午 , 癸未
#The KūBōs are and .
*Nihongo|Kasei Jin|火星人|The third class:甲申 , 乙酉 , 丙戌 , 丁亥 , 戊子 , 己丑 , 庚寅 , 辛卯 , 壬辰 , 癸巳
#The KūBōs are and .
*Nihongo|Tennōsei Jin|天王星人|The fourth class:甲午 , 乙未 , 丙申 , 丁酉 , 戊戌 , 己亥 , 庚子 , 辛丑 , 壬寅 , 癸卯
#The KūBōs are and .
*Nihongo|Mokusei Jin|木星人|The fifth class:甲辰 , 乙巳 , 丙午 , 丁未 , 戊申 , 己酉 , 庚戌 , 辛亥 , 壬子 , 癸丑
#The KūBōs are and .
*Nihongo|Suisei Jin|水星人|The sixth class:甲寅 , 乙卯 , 丙辰 , 丁巳 , 戊午 , 己未 , 庚申 , 辛酉 , 壬戌 , 癸亥
#The KūBōs are and .;AttentionsThe name "Dosei Jin" has no relationship with Saturn.The each KūBōs of 戌 and 亥 consists of 辛丁戊 and 戊甲壬.And their main element is 戊 , belonging to the Soil or Earth in Wu Xing.


*Bill Clinton : The birthday is August 19 1946The chart is as belows
*Birthyear : 1946 : 丙戌
*Birthmonth : August : 丙申
*Birthday : 19 : 乙丑
*Birthtime : unknown
*Birthplace : Northern America:Here we find Bill belongs to "Dosei Jin"(The first class).And the relation between birthday and birthyear shows the KūBō.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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