PRN may be a three-letter acronym or abbreviation for:

*Premier Retail Networks
*Physician Renaissance Network, a resource for doctors with non-clinical careers and interests
*Packaging Recovery Note, linked to UK recycling responsibilities
*El Partido da Reconstrução Nacional (National Reconstruction Party), a political party in Brazil that changed its name to the Christian Labour Party
*Partidul Reconcilierii Nationale (Party of National Reconciliation), the political party of Paul-Philippe Hohenzollern, aspirant to both the monarchy and the presidency of Romania
*Parton railway station, a train station serving the village of Parton in Cumbria, England
*Peace River North, in the Peace River Valley, British Columbia, Canada
*Performance Racing Network, a radio network that broadcasts NASCAR races
*Pertactin, a highly immunogenic virulence factor of a bacterium
*Practicing Registered Nurse
*Premiere Radio Networks, an American radio network
*PRiNter, a DOS reference used to redirect output to a printer
*the IATA airport code for Priština International Airport
*Pro re nata, a latin medical term used to mean "as the situation arises" / "take as needed"
*Pronoun, a part of speech
*Pseudorandom noise, a signal similar to noise which satisfies one or more of the standard tests for statistical randomness
*Pseudorandom number, one of a sequence of numbers generated by a deterministic algorithm, where the sequence satisfies one or more of the standard tests for statistical randomness. Also used as an identifier for satellites (e.g. PRN 120 = Inmarsat-3 AOR-E), where the "PRN" is an index to the assigned pseudorandom number sequence used to encode the satellite transmissionsPRN- means as needed. Especially when referring to medicationPRN stands for Pro Re Nata and this is Latin for: "as the situation arises".

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