Mount Bendeleben

Mount Bendeleben
Mount Bendeleben
Mount Bendeleben is located in Alaska
Mount Bendeleben
Location in Alaska
Elevation 3,730 ft (1,137 m) [1]
Location Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA
Range Bendeleben Mountains
Coordinates 65°10′30″N 164°05′35″W / 65.175°N 164.09306°W / 65.175; -164.09306Coordinates: 65°10′30″N 164°05′35″W / 65.175°N 164.09306°W / 65.175; -164.09306[2]
Topo map USGS Bendeleben A-5

Mount Bendeleben is the highest peak in the Bendeleben Mountains of the Seward Peninsula in Nome Census Area, Alaska, United States. It is located on the western end of the range, 37 mi (60 km) southwest of Inuruk Lake.[2]

The mountain was named in 1866 by members of the Western Union Telegraph exploring expedition for the leader of the expedition, Baron Otto von Bendeleben. A. H. Brooks, USGS, reported in 1921 the native name as "Ahneyiyuk," meaning "looks like a big one."[2]

On a clear day, Bendeleben stands as a landmark, towering over all the mountains in its territory. It is possibly the most famous mountain on the peninsula, though by no means the highest.


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