Erasmus Mundus

Erasmus Mundus

Erasmus Mundus is the international counterpart of the Erasmus programme, which is named after the Dutch scholar Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, who studied in different monastic schools in Europe in the 15th century. 'Mundus' is Latin for world, meaning the name 'Erasmus Mundus programme' stands for the International version of the Erasmus programme. It was created on 5 December 2003, gazetted on 31 December 2003 in the official journal of the European Union and became an official programme on 20 January 2004. [ ERASMUS MUNDUS FAQs (1&2)] Most of the programmes are called "European Master" and lead to a joint or double Master Degree. [ Education in Europe]


The main general objective, from the European Union's Lisbon Strategy, is to make Europe 'the most competitive and knowledge-based economy in the world and a reference for high quality and excellence in education' [ EACEA] . There are over 100 masters programmes designed to help this happen; the full list can be found on the [ European Commission website] . Specific objectives are: [ ERASMUS MUNDUS FAQs (4)]
* Promoting a European-way oriented higher education.
* Attracting qualified graduates and scholars from other parts of the world to obtain qualifications and/or experience in the EU.
* Increasing co-operation between the EU and 'third-country' institutions.
* Increasing the visibility of European higher education throughout the world.


In order for a course to be recognised and hosted under the Erasmus Mundus programme, it should be offered by a Consortium of recognised higher education institutions from one of the 27 Member States of the European Union, the EEA-EFTA states (Iceland, Liechtenstein & Norway) or of the candidate countries for accession to the EU (Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey). The 'minimum consortium' has three higher education institutions coming from three different eligible countries. After being selected under Action 1, this consortium can establish a partnership with at least one higher education institution of a third-country. The minimum duration to attend an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course is one year and the maximum is two years. [ Erasmus Mundus Actions 1-3]


EuMAS, a European Masters Course in Aeronautics and Space Technology, is a two-year MSc course in aerospace engineering that was formed under the Erasmus Mundus programme. It started in September 2005 with the first intake of 24 students from 18 different countries.

EuMAS, which is sponsored by the European Space Agency, is offered by five universities: Università di Pisa (Italy), Technische Universität München(Germany), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), École Nationale Supérieure de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (SUPAERO) of Toulouse (France), and Cranfield University (United Kingdom). [ EuMAS Alumni] [ EuMAS official website] [ EuMAS] maintains an active [ Alumni Association] .

Euro Aquae

Euro Aquae, Euro Hydro-Informatics and Water Management, is a two years joint MSc programme offers a joint degree between five European universities as a part of the Erasmus Mundus co-operation and mobility programme. It started in September 2004 with the first intake of 16 students.

The partner universities are following.
* Newcastle University (UK)
* University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France)
* Brandenburg University of Technology (Germany)
* Budapest University of Technology and Economics(Hungary)
* Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain)

There is official website managed by Euro Aquae coordination Board. EA portal is portal related to the Euro Aquae. And discussion forum managed by EAAA( Euro Aquae Alumni Association).

EMCL: European Masters Program in Computational Logic

The European Masters Program in Computational Logic ( [ EMCL] ) is a two years joint MSc programme offers a joint degree between five European universities as a part of the Erasmus Mundus co-operation and mobility programme. So far (from 2004 to 2008), the European Masters program in Computational Logic had more than 130 students.

The partner universities are following.
* [ Technische Universität Dresden] , Germany (coordinating university)
* [ Free University of Bozen-Bolzano] , Italy
* [ Universidade Nova de Lisboa] , Portugal
* [ Technische Universität Wien] , Austria
* [ Universidad Politécnica de Madrid] , Spain

Based on a solid foundation in mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence and declarative programming students will acquire in-depth knowledge necessary to specify, implement and run complex systems as well as to prove properties of these systems.

In particular, the focus of instruction will be in deduction systems, knowledge representation and reasoning, ontologies, artificial intelligence, formal specification and verification, logic and computability. This basic knowledge is then applied to areas like natural language processing, the semantic web, bioinformatics, information systems and database technology, software and hardware verification.

Students will acquire practical experience and will become familiar in the use of tools within these applications. In addition, students will be prepared for a future PhD, they will come in contact with the international research community and will be integrated into ongoing research projects. They will develop competence in foreign languages and international relationships, thereby improving their social skills.

The European Masters Program in Computational Logic is sponsored scientifically by the European Network of Excellence on Computational Logic (CoLogNET), the European Association of Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI), the IBM Center for Advanced Studies (IBM-CAS), the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI), the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA), the Italian Association for Informatics (AICA, member of the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies), the Italian Association for Logic and its Applications (AILA), and the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence (APPIA).


The Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology ( [ SpaceMaster] ) is a similar 120 ECTS masters programme, currently in its third round, offered by 6 universities throughout Europe: Luleå University of Technology (Sweden "Coordinating University"), University of Würzburg (Germany), Cranfield University (England), Czech Technical University (Czech Republic), Helsinki University of Technology (Finland) and Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (France).

Students spend their first first semester in Germany, the second in Kiruna, Sweden and can chose from all universities for their second year. They will receive two degrees issued from two universities of the consortium, usually one from Luleå and one from the university of choice for the second year or Würzburg in case Luleå is chosen).

Since 2007 this programme is part of the Erasmus Mundus Action 3 Program which led to the creation of the SpaceMaster Global Partnership. This framework allows EU students to do part of their thesis or project work at one of the following partner universities:
* Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), "China"
* Stanford University (SU), "USA"
* University of Tokyo (UT), "Japan"
* University of Toronto (UT), "Canada"
* Utah State University (USU), "USA"

An alumni programme is currently still in the planning stages.

CIMET-Color in Informatics and MEdia Technology

Four European Universities ( [ University of Granada, Spain] , [ University of Saint-Etienne, France] , [ University of Joensuu, Finland] , [ Gjøvik University College, Norway] )are gathering their skills and knowledges to propose a two-year Master Programme entitled "Color in Informatics and MEdia Technology" ( [ CIMET ] ).

The study programme of this Master course is broadly interdisciplinary, encompassing photonics, computer vision and imaging science, computer science and multimedia technology as a mix of relevant theoretical and practical knowledge. The objective is to educate students in advanced methodologies and models in computational color science with two goals of research orientation and further studies at the doctoral level on one hand, and practical applications on the other hand. [ CIMET ] offers three areas of specialization: Color Imaging Science, Spectral Color Science and Multimedia Technology Science. These areas are being emergent, rapidly evolving, and of growing impact on the Information Society Technologies which require specialized competencies.

The first semester is devoted to foundation courses necessary to students before beginning the two specializations they will follow. Foundation courses are proposed in any university of the consortium. The first specialisation, in the second semester, is devoted to compulsory courses in color imaging science necessary to students before beginning the second specialization. It is done either in Granada or Saint Etienne. The second specialisation, in the third semester, is done either in Joensuu or Gjøvik. Therefore, during the first three semesters, students will spend their Master Courses in either two universities or three universities. This arrangement leaves open the possibility to visit during the Master thesis period another university of the consortium which will not deliver a degree. During one of the first three semesters, students will have to follow courses on the culture and language of the visited country.


It is one of the interdisciplinary two years Masters Programs named as [ MOlecular NAno and BIo PHOTonics for Telecommunications & Biotechnologies] which offers an original qualification in the highly innovative domain of molecular photonics for telecommunications and biology. Skills will be acquired at the strongly interdisciplinary level for emerging technologies and to develop original concepts and applications aiming at novel technological breakthroughs in this domain. The program was first commenced on September 2006.

Consortium Institutions

** [ Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan] – Institut dAlembertCachan (Parisarea), France (coordinator)
*** [ English Website]
** [ Universidad Complutense] - Madrid, Spain.
** [ University of Wroclaw] - Wroclaw, Poland.
** [ Wroclaw University of Technology] - Wroclaw, Poland.

Mobility Scheme & Focused Topic

This integrated study program starts with a common basic training at Ecole normale supérieure - Cachan "(Fundamentals in Photonics and Biology)". The second semester is spent either at Complutense University "(Organic chemistry and sensors)", or at the University of Wroclaw "(Biochemistry and modelling)". At the end of the first year a summer school will be organized and devoted to a research topic relevant to the Master Program. The third semester will be spent either in ENS-Cachan "(materials and photonic devices for optical signal processing or biological applications)", or at the Wroclaw University of Technology "(optoelectronics and photonics for life sciences)". The last semester will be fully devoted to a research project in an Academic or Industry laboratory.

Degrees Awarded

Degrees awarded by each institution (ECTS units acquired at one place are recognized by other institutions)
*Master's degree in Molecular Photonics for bio- and nanotechnologies (ENS Cachan)
*National Master's degree in Molecular nano- and bio-photonics for telecommunications and biotechnologies (Universidad Complutense, Madrid)
*MsC in Chemistry (University of Wroclaw)
*MSc Eng in Materials Science (WUT)


The Erasmus Mundus MA programme Euroculture ( [ Euroculture] ) is a unique, multilingual, interdisciplinary and inter-university project. Its aim is to prepare graduates from Europe and third-countries for professions in which knowledge of present Europe and European Union institutions are of relevance. The focus of the programme is on cultural and social developments: its inheritance as well as its standards, values and citizenship. Because of the multidisciplinary studies approach, the Euroculture programme stands out from many other European Regional Studies programmes. From the beginning of the programme in 1999, Euroculture was used as a concept to reflect in an interdisciplinary way on the many different expressions and manifestations of self-understandings of societies, social groups and individuals of, about and within Europe. Its core questions are:

* Whether, to what extent and in which forms does a common and unique European culture exist and how is it related to other regional or non-European cultures?
* How is Europe and how are cultural transformations perceived within Europe and from the outside?
* What is the mutual impact of political and social processes on European culture(s) and culture(s) in Europe?

As of September/October 2006 it became an Erasmus Mundus programme, as one of the few in Humanities.

Consortium Universities

* [ Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc] , Czech Republic
* [ Georg-August Universität Göttingen] , Germany
* [ Rijksuniversiteit Groningen] , The Netherlands (coordinating institution)
* [ Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Kraków] , Poland
* [ Universidad de Deusto] , Spain
* [ Uppsala Universitet] , Sweden

Mobility Scheme

The programme is taught in English and the students study at two of the partner universities in Europe, they gain 90 ECTS credits and are awarded double degrees at the two universities ("home university" - 1st and 3rd semester, "host university" - 2nd semester). An integral part of the programme is also the "Intensive Programme" which is run every June at one of the partner universities for all the students.

Since 2008 European students are offered a possibility to study at other four partner universities outside Europe for three months during the 3rd semester. They are supported in the framework of the Action 3 of Erasmus Mundus.

The partner universities outside Europe are:
* [ University of Pune] , India
* [ University of Osaka] , Japan
* [ UNAM] , Mexico
* [ University of Indiana] , USA

ee also

* [ MONABIPHOT official Website]
* [ CIMET official Website]
* [ The EuMAS website]
* [ The Alumni Website]
* [ Università di Pisa]
* [ Technische Universität München]
* [ Universidad Politécnica de Madrid]
* [ École Nationale Supérieure de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ENSAE-Supaero)]
* [ Cranfield University]
* [ European Space Agency(ESA)]
* [ Euroculture]

External links

* [ European Commission ERASMUS MUNDUS website]
* [ The Education Audiovisual,& Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)]


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