Ida Mett

Ida Mett

Ida Mett (born Ida Gilman, 20 July 1901 in Smorgon, Imperial Russia, died in Paris, France on 27 June 1973) was a Russian-born anarchist and author.

Mett was an active participant in the Russian anarchist movement in Moscow, and was arrested by Soviet authorities for subversive activities and escaped soon thereafter. From Russia, she fled to Poland, later Berlin, and eventually to Paris (1926) where she became active with Dielo Trouda Group and co-edited the magazine of the same name.

Mett wrote "The Kronstadt Commune", a history of the rebellion at Kronstadt, in 1948. Published by the Spartacus publishing house, it subsequently re-awakened controversy over the events. She also authored "The Russian Peasant in the Revolution and Post Revolution" (1968) and contributed to various international periodicals. She died in Paris on 27 June 1973.


* "The Kronstadt Commune" (1948)
* "The Russian Peasant in the Revolution and Post Revolution" (1968)
* "Medicine in the USSR" (1953)
* "The Soviet School" (1954)

External links

* [ Full text of The Kronstadt Commune]

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