Pete's PA

Pete's PA

Infobox Television
show_name = Pete's PA

caption = The titles for Pete's PA
format = Game Show
picture_format = 16:9
runtime = 60mins
country = UK
channel = Living TV
first_aired = 2007
last_aired = December 5
num_episodes = 10
related = "Jade's PA"
website =

"Pete's PA" was a British reality television series broadcast on LIVINGtv. The show, which began on October 8 2007, followed musician and Dead or Alive frontman Pete Burns as he hunted for a new personal assistant (PA). He was aided by celebrity PA Donna Coulling and psychologist Dr Rob Yeung. Filmed over ten weeks, the potential PAs were pitted against each other in a series of challenges. The ten episode contest concluded with a former criminal psychologist, Nicky, winning the competition.

External links

* [ "Pete's PA" on]

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