Wilhelm Taubert

Wilhelm Taubert

Carl Gottfried Wilhelm Taubert (born Berlin, March 23, 1811 - died Berlin, January 7, 1891) was a German pianist and composer.

Taubert studied under Ludwig Berger (piano) and Bernhard Klein (composition). In 1831 he became assistant conductor and accompanist for Berlin court concerts. Between 1845 and 1848 he was music director of the Berlin Royal Opera, and was also court conductor in Berlin from 1845 to 1869. From 1865, he taught music at the Royal Academy of the Arts.

His compositions include six operas, incidental music, four symphonies, concertos for piano and cello, four string quartets, other orchestral, choral, and piano works, and more than 300 songs.


*"Die Kirmes", 1832
*"Die Zigeuner", 1834
*"Marquis und Dieb", 1842
*"Macbeth", 1857
*"Caesario oder Was ihr wollt", 1874

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