Steven Petrow

Steven Petrow

Steven Petrow, an award-winning journalist and author, has covered the health beat for nearly twenty years for print, online, radio and television outlets. Mr. Petrow started his career at The Wall Street Journal, and has since held senior editorial positions at Life Magazine (Time Inc.), HotWired (Wired Magazine), Longevity Magazine (General Media) and Fitness Magazine (The New York Times Company.). Recently, Mr. Petrow served as the Executive Editor at Time Inc. Interactive managing the companys health and lifestyle sites; hes also a winner of the Webby Award and many other online and print editorial prizes. Mr. Petrow has published work in the Los Angeles Times,, and Life Magazine and is the former President of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association.

Currently, Steven Petrow is the Senior Vice President/Editorial Director of Waterfront media, the premier online publisher of self-help Web sites, and, a leading online health portal designed to help consumers manage their conditions online, a role that combines his professional interests as a health journalist and his personal experience as a twenty-year cancer survivor. He is considered a pioneer in bringing health to the Web, having launched Dr. Andrew Weil's award-winning site in 1996. Since that time he has developed the South Beach Diet Online, Denise Austin Online, Alice Waters Online,, and What to Expect When You're Expecting Online, among others.

Mr. Petrow has won numerous writing awards, including grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Smithsonian Institution. Until moving to North Carolina last year, he had been a frequent contributor to the KQED public television program, "This Week in Northern California," and has appeared on CNN, The Today Show, NBC-TV; hes currently a judge for the prestigious National Magazine Award competition.

Mr. Petrow covered the AIDS epidemic for more than two decades and has published four related books: "Dancing Against the Darkness: The Story of People with AIDS, their Friends, Families and Communities"; "When Someone You Know Has AIDS"; "Ending the HIV Epidemic"; and "The HIV Drug Book". In all, he is the author/editor of more than a dozen books including the best-selling, "The Essential Book of Gay Manners and Etiquette", and his most recent, "The Lost Hamptons".

Mr. Petrow holds a Bachelors degree from Duke University, an MA and C.Phil from the University of California, Berkeley, and currently lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, with his partner, Jim Bean, and their two dogs.

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