Edward Dithmar

Edward Dithmar

Edward F. Dithmar (1873–1938) was a Wisconsin politician. He was born in Reedsburg, Wisconsin in 1873 and graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1894. He served as a court clerk in Sauk County from 1894 until 1900; afterwards, he became an attorney at a law office in Milwaukee. He served as Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin for three terms, from 1915 until 1921, under Governor Emanuel L. Philipp. He ran for the United States Senate in 1925 and for Governor of Wisconsin in 1928; he was unsuccessful in both elections. He died in 1938.


*cite web |url=http://www.legis.state.wi.us/lrb/bb/05bb/695-743.pdf |title=Wisconsin Constitutional Officers; Lieutenant Governors |accessmonthday=October 8 |accessyear=2007 |year=2005 |month=July |format=PDF |work=State of Wisconsin Blue Book 2005–2006 |publisher=Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau |pages=31
*cite web |url=http://ltgov.wisconsin.gov/subcategory.asp?linksubcatid=2087&linkcatid=2042&linkid=1070&locid=126 |title=Edward F. Dithmar |accessmonthday=October 8 |accessyear=2007 |work=Office of the Lieutenant Governor

NAME = Dithmar, Edward
SHORT DESCRIPTION = lawyer, politician; Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
PLACE OF BIRTH = Reedsburg, Wisconsin, United States

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