Humanistic intelligence

Humanistic intelligence

Humanistic Intelligence (HI) is intelligence that arises because of the human being in the feedback loop of a computational process, where the human and computer are inextricably intertwined [Mann 1998, Proc. IEEE]

It is common in the field of human-computer interaction to think of the human and computer as separate entities. The term "HCI" emphasizes this separateness by treating the human and computer as different entities that interact. However, HI theory thinks of the wearer and the computer with its associated input and output facilities not as separate entities, but regards the computer as a second brain and its sensory modalities as additional senses, in which synthetic synesthesia merges with the wearer's senses. When a wearable computer functions in a successful embodiment of HI, the computer uses the human's mind and body as one of its peripherals, just as the human uses the computer as a peripheral. This reciprocal relationship is at the heart of HI. [cite journal |last=Mann |first=S. |authorlink= |coauthors= |year=2001 |month=May-June |title=Wearable computing:toward humanistic intelligence |journal=Intelligent Systems |volume=16 |issue=3 |pages=1015 |id=10.1109/5254.940020 |url= |accessdate= 2007-10-08 |quote= |doi=10.1109/5254.940020 ] , [ ]


External links

* [ Seeing with the Brain]
* [ Hawkeye Project]
* [ Towards Context Aware Computing: Experiences and Lessons] , Asim Smailagic, Daniel P. Siewiorek, Joshua Anhalt, Francine Gemperle

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