DORMA is a globally acting German company that produces door technology systems and allied products. It was first founded as the Dörken & Mankel KG in Ennepetal, Germany, in 1908. The family business is managed by owner Karl-Rudolf Mankel in third generation. As part of succession planning, previous sole DORMA proprietor Karl-Rudolf Mankel (66) has transferred the majority of his shareholding to his daughters Christine (26) and Stephanie (23) in March 2009.

The DORMA Group has a workforce of approximately 6500 employees and closed fiscal year 2009/10 with a business volume of 856,4 Mill. EUR. Today DORMA is one of the world's leading suppliers of the door industry.[citation needed]

Structure and Organization of the Company

The company is divided into six divisions: Door Control, Automatics, Glass, Movable Walls, Security Systems & Trade Counters. Dorma’s head office in Ennepetal controls 69 wholly owned companies in 45 different countries. Its major production plants are located in Europe, China, Malaysia, North and South America.

Product Range

  • Door control: door closers, door furniture and fittings, window handles, hinges and locks
  • Automatics: automatic door operators, sliding doors, swing doors and revolving doors, automatically operated sliding glass panel partitions
  • Glass: fittings, door and side panel rails, locks
  • Security: access control systems, security door fittings, emergency exit control systems, lock and electric keeps, security and detection systems
  • Movable-Walls: sound-insulating walls, Sound-insulating movable glasswalls, and now the interior is also available.

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