- Philipp Christoph Zeller
Philipp Christoph Zeller (
April 8 ,1808 -March 27 ,1883 ) was a Germanentomologist .Zeller was born at Steinheim (Murr)
Württemberg , two miles from Marbach, the birthplace ofSchiller . The family moved toFrankfurt (Oder) where Philip went to the gymnasium wherenatural history was not taught. Instead, helped by Alois Metzner, he taught himselfentomology mainly by copying books. Copying and hence memorising, developed in response to early financial privation became a lifetime habit. Zeller went next to theUniversity of Berlin where he became a candidat, which is the first degree, obtained after two or three years' study around 1833. The subject wasphilology . He became an Oberlehrer or senior primary school teacher inGlogau in 1835. Then he became an instructor at the secondary school inFrankfurt (Oder) and in 1860 he was appointed as the senior instructor of the highest technical high school inMeseritz . He resigned this post after leaving in 1869 forStettin , home of theStettin Entomological Society .Zeller's first entomological studies were of
Coleoptera andDiptera and he especially admired Johann Wilhem Meigen's “Zweiflügler”. This is of great importance since studies of Lepidoptera were then, as now, more concerned with species descriptions than withsystematics andphylogenetic relationships and the nomenclature was already very confused (and confusing). Zeller's precise, orderly approach culminated in the most significant lepidopterological work of the nineteenth century - "The Natural History of the Tineinae". This, a monumental 13-volume monograph, was commenced in 1855 and completed in 1873. The other main authors were the EnglishmanHenry Tibbats Stainton , a Swiss, Heinrich Frey and another Englishman, John William Douglas. "The Natural History of the Tineinae" appeared in English, French, German and Latin editions, the Irish entomologistAlexander Henry Haliday doing the bulk of the translations. The work established Zeller as perhaps the greatest lepidopterist of the century.He named 186 new genera of moths [ [http://www.nhm.ac.uk/jdsml/research-curation/projects/butmoth/GenusList2.dsml?AUTHOR=Zeller&searchPageURL=BrowseAuthors.dsml GenusList2 ] ] His collection was acquired byThomas de Grey, 6th Baron Walsingham and later donated to theNatural History Museum .elected works
*Versuch einer naturgemässen Eintheilung der Schaben, Tinea (Oken's "Isis", 1839).
*Kritische Bestimmung der in Reaumur's Memoiren vorkommenden Lepidopteren ("Isis", 1838)
*Kritische Bestimmung der in de Geer's Memoiren enthaltenen Schmetterlinge ("Isis", 1839)
*Monographie des Genus Hyponomeuta ("Isis", 1844)
*Anmerkungen zu Lienig's Lepidopterologischer Fauna von Livland und Curland ("Isis",1846)
*Die Arten der Blattminiergattung Lithocolletis beschrieben ("Linnaea", 1846)
*Bemerkungen über die auf einer Reise nach Italien und Sicilien gesammelten Schmetterlingsarten" ("Isis", 1847)
*Exotische Phyciden ("Isis", 1848)
*Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Coleophoren" ("Isis", 1849)
*Revision der Pterophoriden ("Isis", 1852)
*Lepidoptera microptera quae J. A. Wahlberg in caffrorum terra legit (Stockholm, 1852)
*Die Arten der Gattung Butalis beschrieben ("Linnaea", 1855)
*WithHenry Tibbats Stainton ,Heinrich Frey andJohn William Douglas "The Natural History of the Tineina", 13 volumes, 2000 pages (1855)
*Beiträge zur Kenntnis der nordamerikanischen Nachtfalter" (3 parts, "Verh. zool. bot. Gesellsch. Wien" ,1872 - 73)
*Beiträge zur Lepidopterenfauna der Ober-Albula in Graubünden ("Verh. zool. bot. Gesellsch. Wien"., 1877)
*Exotische Lepidopteren ("Horae soc. ent. Rossica", 1877)Notes
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