- Zincirlikuyu Cemetery
The Zincirlikuyu Cemetery is a modern burial ground at the
Europe an part ofIstanbul ,Turkey . It is administered by the Metropolitan Municipality. Many prominent figures from the world of politics, business, sports and arts rest here.The cemetery is located in the
Şişli district between Esentepe andLevent neighborhoods. It is Istanbul’s first cemetery established in a contemporary structure. Planned in 1935, the burial place reached in the 1950s to its boundaries of today. It has an area of 380,847 m², which is completely full, excluding family graves.A
mosque within the cemetery, built and donated by the Turkish entrepreneur İbrahim Bodur, was opened to service onApril 2 ,2004 . Designed by architect Alidost Ertuğrul, the mosque is specially constructed for burial prays, and has a capacity of 500 people. [ [http://www.ibb.gov.tr/tr-TR/Haberler/HaberDetay.html?HaberId=17047 İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality] tr icon]The office of the İstanbul Cemeteries Administration is located in the building at the entrance of the cemetery.
Over the gate of the cemetery a verse from the
Qur'an reminds "Her canlı ölümü tadacaktır" ( _en. Every living thing will taste death). [ [http://www.radikal.com.tr/haber.php?haberno=84652 Newpaper "Radikal" August 10, 2003] tr icon]Notable burials
Sadri Alışık (1925-1995), film actor
*Oğuz Aral (1936-2004), political cartoonist
*Duygu Asena (1946-2006), columnist, best seller author and activist for women’s rights
*Aysel Gürel (1929-2008),actress andlyricist cite news |first=|last=|title=Turkish lyric writer Gürel dies |url=http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/article.php?enewsid=96732 |work=Turkish Daily News |publisher=|date=2008-02-19 |accessdate=2008-03-06]
*Rıfat Ilgaz (1911-1993), poet and story writer
*Erdal İnönü (1926-2007), scientist and statesman
*Abdi İpekçi (1929-1979), journalist and intellectuel
* İsmail Cem İpekçi (1940-2007), politician, journalist and statesman
*Orhan Kemal (1914-1970), novelist
*Vehbi Koç (1901-1996), entrepreneur and Turkey’s richest man
*Sakıp Sabancı (1933-2004), entrepreneur and Turkey’s second richest man
*Ruhi Su (1912-1985), folk music singer
*Kemal Sunal (1944-2000), film actor and comedian
*Abdülhak Hâmid Tarhan (1852-1937), poet and playwrightFootnotes
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