Peter Scholl-Latour

Peter Scholl-Latour

Peter Scholl-Latour was born in Bochum, Germany on March 9,1924. After taking a doctorate at the Sorbonne and his diploma at the Institut National des Sciences Politiques in Paris, he gained a diploma in Arab and Islamic studies at the Lebanese University of Beirut. He has worked since 1950 as a journalist, spending many years as a correspondent in Africa and Indochina, as a studio manager in Paris, as television director of WDR and editor of Stern. Among his most successful books are the best-sellers "Der Tod im Reisfeld" [Death in the Rice-fields] (1980), "Allah ist mit den Standhaften" [Allah is with the Steadfast] (1983), "Mord am grossen Fluss" [Murder by the Great River] (1986), "Mit Frankreich leben" [Living with France] (1988), "Der Wahn vom Himmlischen Frieden" [The Delusion of Heavenly Peace] (1990), "Das Schwert des Islam" [The Sword of Islam] (1990), "Den Gottlosen die Hölle" [Hell to the Godless] (1991), "Unter Kreuz und Knute" (1992), "Eine Welt in Auflösung" (1993), "Im Fadenkreuz der Mächte" (1994), "Schlaglichter der Weltpolitik" [Highlights of International Politics] (1995), "Das Schlachtfeld der Zukunft" [The Battlefield of the Future] (1996), "Lügen im Heiligen Land" [Lies in the Holy Land] (1998), "Allahs Schatten über Atatürk" [Allahs Shadow Over Atatürk] (1999). His last book, "Afrikanische Totenklage" [African Dirge] , was on the Spiegel bestseller list from 2001 to 2004.

In 2006 he authored the TV documentary "Russia Surrounded: Putin's Empire faces NATO, China and Islam".

Scholl-Latour has both the French and German nationalities, and describes himself as Gaullist.


* Peter Scholl-Latour ranks at No. 147 on the "Unsere Besten" list of all-time greatest Germans.

External links

* [ Russia Surrounded: Putin's Empire faces NATO, China and Islam]

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