

Katalepsis ( _el. κατάληψις) is a term that originally refers to the Stoic philosophers and was to them, a landmark ideological premise regarding one's state of mind as it relates to grasping fundamental philosophical concepts. The Greek Skeptics (who of course chose the Stoics as their natural philosophical opposites) debated much of what the Stoics eschewed regarding the human mind and one's methods of understanding greater meanings. [See [http://www.iep.utm.edu/s/skepanci.htm "Ancient Greek Skepticism"] at the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy for information about katalepsis and the Skeptics attack on it.]

Informally in modern times, it means that one has reached a state of complete understanding (regarding all things, almost literally "beyond" everything). It is also referred to extensively in the book "Darwin's Blade" by Dan Simmons, first in the context of a Vietnam era sniper (the protagonist in his earlier life) who reaches a complete killing state without conscious hindrance [albeit out of complete and proper/morally approved necessity. Essentially without negative moral or social connotation] . From then on, the author's subsequent use of the term implies that modern humans [specifically the main characters] can reach this "state of katalepsis" in any given critical situation, especially those that require mental or spiritual fortitude.


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  • Katalepsis — (греч.) постижение; восприятие …   Философская энциклопедия

  • Katalepsis — (gr.), bei den Stoikern eine durch das Object bestimmte u. demselben entsprechende Vorstellung, welche mit freiem Beifall verbunden ist u. auf welche die Wissenschaft sich gründet …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • КАТАЛЕПСИЯ — (греч. katalepsis, от katalambano схватываю). 1) нервный припадок, состоящий в потере чувствительности и произвольного движения. 2) оцепенение от апоплексического удара. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н.,… …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • каталепсия — и; ж. [от греч. katalepsis схватывание, удерживание] Мед. Состояние неподвижности с характерным застыванием человека в той или иной позе при некоторых нервных и психических заболеваниях, а также под действием гипноза. ◁ Каталепсический;… …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • catalepsie — [ katalɛpsi ] n. f. • v. 1580; catalepse 1507; lat. méd. catalepsis, gr. katalêpsis « action de saisir » ♦ Méd. Suspension complète du mouvement volontaire des muscles (schizophrénie, état hypnotique). ⇒ léthargie, paralysie. Tomber en catalepsie …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Katalepsie — Ka|ta|lep|sie 〈f. 19; unz.; Med.〉 krankhafter Zustand, in dem sich die Körpermuskeln nicht mehr aktiv bewegen lassen u. den passiven Bewegungen mehr od. weniger Widerstand entgegensetzen, dann aber die gewonnene Stellung beibehalten [<grch.… …   Universal-Lexikon

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