Delftse Studenten Zwemvereniging 'WAVE'

Delftse Studenten Zwemvereniging 'WAVE'

Delftse Studenten Zwemvereniging 'WAVE' (freely translated: Delft Student Swimming Association 'WAVE') is a student sport association with its own swimming and waterpolo departments. DSZ WAVE is founded in 1990 by Tom Bauer and Geert Awater.

The association organises de activities of swimming and waterpolo sports for students in Delft. It's taking part with its three men's teams and a women's team, which is actually a combination with the local civil association d'Elft, of the Netherlands waterpolo competition organized by the KNZB. Besides this it is taking part of the NSZK (the Netherlands Student Swimming Competition) and NSK (the Netherlands Student Championship) swimming. Finally it sends its own delegation to the Netherlands Student Championship 'Cannonball'.

The Association

Although DSZ WAVE isn't a corporal fraternity, it has its own traditional organisation which comprises a group of active people which form the associations Board and committees. Because of the fact it is a student association, the turnover of its members is quite high. For most of the members the social part of being a member is of greater interest than their sporting accomplishments.

The Board

Yearly the association chooses its Board during a General Meeting at the start of the study-year. The Board consists of five persons: the Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer (the Daily Board) and the Commissionner of Swimming and the Commissionner of Water Polo. The Board is responsible for the continuation and activation of the association, to manage the committees and take care of communication with their 'sister' associations and other external contacts. Here the Board members often are emphasizing their prominent behavior within the association, but also during sporting activities.


DSZ WAVE has fourteen active committees:
* aXie, organizes diverse social activities to enhance their social ambiance
* BaCo, the bar committee
* BatCom, organizes the trip to the Batavierenrace
* Finzy, the audit committee to check the associations finances (usually consisting of past treasurers)
* PoCo LoCo, the porn committee (non-active at this time)
* Polocie, takes care of the water polo department
* Promocie, promotes the association
* 't Schuim, editorial department of the association's magazine
* Sponcie, the sponsor committee
* Vreetcie, organizes regular feasting and dining activities
* WWWave, maintains the website
* WTC, organizes the yearly WAVE Winter Tournament
* WedCie, organizes the NSZK when it's being held in Delft
* Zwemcie, takes care of the swimming department


Although the finances are lively debated during the General Meetings it is well organised. Also the Finzy checks the Board on its finances with its audit before every financial report it presents.


The swimming department has started to organize a student swimming competition which has grown to a national matter known as the Dutch Student Swimming Competition. Student swimming organisations from main student cities (Utrecht, Amsterdam, Groningen, Nijmegen, indhoven, Enschede, Wageningen, Rotterdam, Maastricht, Tilburg, Zwolle and Leiden) take part of this competition.

Water polo

DSZ WAVE has four water polo teams. The first men's team takes part of the Bonds competition, the second team plays in the Kring competition first class and the third team plays in the second class Kring competition. The women's team plays together with d'Elft in the first classe Kring competition.

See also

Stichting NSZK

Koninklijke Nederlandse Zwembond

Delft University of Technology

External links

* [ Homepage D.S.Z. 'WAVE']

*GvW (2003) "Wavers kunnen overmacht niet aan" (Dutch), in: "Delta" []
* Van Eekelen, A (2005) "Herinneringen ophalen met Geert en Tom" (Dutch), in: "Wave op snelheid". Delft: DSZ WAVE, pp. 14.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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