Lucius Manlius Acidinus

Lucius Manlius Acidinus

:"For others of this gens, see Manlius. For other Manlii with the cognomen "Acidinus", see Acidinus (cognomen)."

Lucius Manlius Acidinus (fl. late 3rd century BC) was a member of the Manlius gens who stood as "praetor urbanus" in 210 BC. [Citation
last = Smith
first = William
author-link = William Smith (lexicographer)
contribution = Acidinus (1)
editor-last = Smith
editor-first = William
title = Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
volume = 1
pages = 12
publisher =
place = Boston, MA
year = 1867
contribution-url =
] He was sent by the senate into Sicily to bring back the consul Marcus Valerius Laevinus to Rome to hold the elections. [Livy, xxvi. 23, xxvii. 4] In 207 BC he was with the troops stationed at Narnia to oppose Hasdrubal, and was the first to send to Rome intelligence of the defeat of the latter. [Livy xxvii. 50] In 206 BC he and Lucius Cornelius Lentulus had the province of Hispania entrusted to them with proconsular power. In the following year he conquered the Ausetani and Ilergetes, who had rebelled against the Romans in conse­quence of the absence of Scipio. He did not re­turn to Rome until 199 BC, but was prevented by the tribune Publius Porcius Laeca from entering the city in an ovation, which the senate had granted him. [Livy, xxviii. 38, xxix. 13, 13, xxxii. 7]


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