Property insurance

Property insurance

Property insurance provides protection against most risks to property, such as fire, theft and some weather damage. This includes specialized forms of insurance such as fire insurance, flood insurance, earthquake insurance, home insurance or boiler insurance. Property is insured in two main ways - open perils and named perils. Open perils cover all the causes of loss not specifically excluded in the policy. Common exclusions on open peril policies include damage resulting from earthquakes, floods, nuclear incidents, acts of terrorism and war. Named perils require the actual cause of loss to be listed in the policy for insurance to be provided. The more common named perils include such damage-causing events as fire, lightning, explosion and theft.

Fire Insurance in India

Fire insurance business in India is governed by the All India Fire Tariff that lays down the terms of coverage, the premium rates and the conditions of the Fire Policy. The fire insurance policy has been renamed as Standard Fire and Special Perils Policy. The risks covered are as follows: Dwellings, Offices, Shops, Hospitals(Located outside the compounds of industrial/manufacturing risks) Industrial / Manufacturing Risks Utilities located outside industrial/manufacturing risks Machinery and Accessories Storage Risks outside the compound of industrial risks Tank farms / Gas holders located outside the compound of industrial risks

Perils Covered- Cause of Loss

Fire Lightning Explosion/Implosion Aircraft damage Riot, Strike Terrorism Storm, Flood, inundation Impact damage Subsidence , landslide Bursting or overflowing of tanks Bush fire etc.

ClaimsIn the event of a fire loss covered under the fire insurance policy, the Insured shall immediately give notice there of to the insurance company. Within 15 days of the occurrence of such loss the Insured should submit a claim in writing giving the details of damages and their estimated values. Details of other insurances on the same property should also be declared.

ee Also

*automobile insurance

External links

* [ Fire insurance] (EH.Net Encyclopedia of Economic History)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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