Regnum Marianum

Regnum Marianum

Regnum Marianum is an old Catholic name of Hungary. It means "Kingdom (Country) of Mary". The name comes from the tradition that the first Hungarian king, Saint Stephen, dying without an heir, has offered the Holy Crown and the country to the Virgin Mary. Mary has always had serious devotion as the patron saint of Hungary, presumably also because of some pre-Christian religious tradition. This pagan tradition may be the source of Mary's unique Hungarian name, "Boldogasszony". The Hungarian version of the prayer Hail Mary contains the words "Our Lady, Virgin Mary, holy mother of God" instead of "Holy Mary, mother of God". There are other countries as well that regard Mary as "Our Lady".

The name Regnum Marianum was often used for emphasizing a strong connection between Hungary and Catholicism. Some communities also use this name for themselves to express their intention to make their life worthy to Mary. The best known of these is the Regnum Marianum Community.

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