MIT Libraries

MIT Libraries

The library system of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT Libraries) covers all five academic schools comprising the university. The print and multimedia collections of the MIT Libraries include more than 5 million items, with 2.6 million volumes of print material, 17,000 journal and other serial subscriptions, 478 online databases, over 30,000 electronic journal titles licensed for access, and over 2.8 million items in collections of microforms, maps, images, musical scores, sound recordings, and videotapes. [cite web|url= |title=MIT Libraries:About |publisher=MIT Libraries |accessdate=2008-02-06]

The MIT library was established in 1862 with a gift of seven volumes, three years before classes began. The MIT Libraries are now comprised of five divisional libraries: Barker Engineering, Dewey (social sciences and management), Humanities, Rotch (architecture and planning), and Science. The divisional libraries are open seven days a week and offer hours that extend well into the evening. Hayden Library features a 24/7 study room to accommodate students around the clock.

In addition to the divisional libraries, there are four branch libraries that serve specialized fields: Aeronautics and Astronautics, Lewis Music, Lindgren Library (earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences) and Rotch Visual Collections. The Institute Archives and Special Collections contain materials documenting MIT’s history, and the Library Storage Annex, located off-campus, houses materials that can be requested and available for use the next business day. The Libraries “Information Intersection” on the Student Street in the Stata Center provides quick access to online resources and a collaborative space for study and instruction.

The Libraries also manage DSpace, a digital repository created to capture, preserve, and share MIT's intellectual output with the world. DSpace at MIT currently houses over 21,000 MIT theses.

List of MIT Libraries

* [ Aeronautics and Astronautics]
* [ Barker Engineering]
* [ Dewey Management and Social Sciences]
* [ Document Services]
* [ Hayden Circulation]
* [ Humanities]
* [ Information Intersection at Stata Center]
* [ Institute Archives and Special Collections]
* [ Lewis Music]
* [ Library Storage Annex]
* [ Lindgren Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences]
* [ Metadata Services]
* [ Rotch Architecture and Planning]
* [ Rotch Visual Collections]
* [ Science]


* [ Bibliotech: MIT Libraries' Newsletter]
* [ MIT Libraries News]
* [ What's the Score? Newsletter of the MIT Music Library]


External links

*Powers, Elia. " [ Standing Up for Open Access] ." "Inside Higher Ed." (2007-05-21). Retrieved on 2007-11-15.
*" [ Celebrating Research] " Rare and Special Collections from the Membership of the Association of Research Libraries: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries. (2007-09-23). Retrieved on 2007-11-15.
* [ MIT Libraries website]
* [ MIT Libraries: MIT Facts 2007]
* [ MIT Course Catalogue 2007-2008] , "Bulletin"

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