Henry Habib Ayrout

Henry Habib Ayrout

Henry Habib Ayrout S.J., (1907-April 10, 1969) was an Egyptian Catholic priest (of the Byzantine rite), educator, and sociologist who established the Catholic Association for Schools of Egypt in 1940. His study of the country's
fellahin, "The Egyptian Peasant", was first published in French in 1938. [Henry Habib Ayrout, "Moeurs et coutumes des fellahs", Paris: Payot, 1938. Cited Williams, John Alden, "Foward" to the 2005 edition published by AUC Press, pg. vi.] Ayrout was rector of the Jesuit College in Faggala from 1962 until his death. [Williams, pg. xi]


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